
How can I make eye contact with people without making it feel awkward or like I'm staring at the person?

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I'm very shy and I don't usually make eye contact with people. Sometimes I'm afraid they'll think I'm rude & that I'm staring at them. I'm also afraid it might be awkward.




  1. Don't feel that your being rude, with eye contact.

    It's irritating when someone doesn't make eye contact.

    To me, they come on as someone that's insincere, that your not really interested. And possibly that you've got something hanging out your nose.

    Lack of eye contact is uncomfortable for the one your speaking to.

    Be more confidant in your self...what do you have to hide?

  2. pshh good question lol i have the same problem. sorry i cant help i just wanted to get my 2 cents in

  3. People expect you to make eye contact with them when you are speaking with them.  Otherwise you can come off looking deceitful, uncomfortable and in general not someone people would be pleased to be interacting with.  You have to find your comfort zone with people in general.  When having a conversation people are not staring at each other, they are interacting with their body language and their eyes.  It's an important part of communication.  If you cannot do this, talk with a counselor and find out why you are unable to effectively interact with others.  It will affect your job or career options so it's important enough to tackle head on.  

  4. I just look at them and then I turn away after making eye contact and smile and be on your way unless they know you and want to talk with

    you then go ahead and chat.

  5. Based on my personal experience, I make eye contact with those whom I need to talk. And then, once I start talking and I see that I've been staring for a bit, I'll try to gaze off for half a second (as if trying to notice a car or a person pass by) and then start looking and talking again to that person. That way, you're also trying to be self-aware you're not fully looking at the person the entire moment that may be like a lengthy conversation.

    Hope that answers.

  6. dont look at there face, b***s, or but just eyes or noticeable clothing

  7. Whenever you make eye contact with someone you want to meet, give them a little nod. If they acknowledge it, there's your opening to start a conversation. You can also just try walking up and saying "hello".

  8. look at them smile and give a little wave if they don't wave back or smile or don't do anything they are weird but if they do you just made a friend jkjk you started a conversation even if it was silent!

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