
How can I make friends in college?

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I was in college last year for the first time, but I didn't really make any close friends. Lots of people from my area goes to my university, so I would hang out with them again, but I didn't really make new friends. I'm changing programs this year, and It's like I'm just starting college again. I don't live on campus and I can't really invite people at my house (too long to explain). I'm kind of shy.. How can I make new friends??





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  2. Hey girl, last year was my first yr @ college too.

    The easiest way to make new friends is to get involved on campus, whether its SGA or a pottery class, once you put yourself out there...

    you can and will have friends galore!

    best of luck<3

  3. It's hard when you go to a new place and have to make new friends. I had trouble when I first went to university as I didn't know anyone there. In the end I just started talking to people, I got a load of odd looks and ignored a fair bit but I was persistent and I made some really good friends in the process.

    If you're too shy to take that approach you could always join a club or society. Find something you're interested in and go along to one of their meetings, there will usually be a socializer at the start of term where everyone can get to know each other. If you have no idea about the clubs and societies go along to the Fresher week with the friends you already know, that way you'll be able to approach people with confidence, and have a good look around. Make sure you go along to all of the university events they have on too like open days and student gatherings. There are a lot of people in the same boat as you so don't worry, you'll make friends in time.

  4. Join any groups that you can! Clubs, teams, music ensembles. And if you want to hang out with people, either mooch and hang out at their place, or suggest going out for pizza or coffee. Either way you can sit there for a long time and chat, and get to know them; and you can bring study stuff to coffee shops so you can read if conversation gets awkward for some reason.

    You could invite people from your program who you get to know in class to study somewhere with you, like in a group study room in the library or at an on-campus cafe.

    But apart from straight academics, decide what you like to do, and then capitalize on that by joining a group that does the whatever and being really active in it.

    Good luck!

  5. join a club!!!

    get involved!!


    lol.hope this helps

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