
How can I make good tips as a server at a restaurant?

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How can I make good tips as a server at a restaurant?




  1. It's just something you'll learn. The best tip would be to learn how to "read the guest". Some people would love to have you take a moment of you time and talk to them while others are happy with a full drink and hot food. It's all about making the guest happy. Making people feel like you did a little extra for them always helps.

  2. You've got to read your customers.  If they look to be in a hurry, take the order quickly and deliver the food promptly.  If, they look like they're wanting to visit a bit, give them a little bit more time.

  3. Be nice and give free drinks!

  4. Be as professional as possible, be available to your customers, agree with everything, and wear a smile all the time.

  5. Think about what the waiter/waitress did to make you feel like they were great when you were the customer and mimic them. Always be professional, speak clearly so they can hear/understand you, be polite, smile, & check up on them a normal amount. If you check on them too much it will make them feel like they are being rushed. Good luck!! :o)

  6. don't forget about your table.  Smile and take their order.Refil drinks before they ask, clear plates so the table is clean.  If you can read people you can do well, you need to know which table to make small talk with and which table just wants to be left alone.

  7. Work in an upscale restaurant, give great service and flirt like h**l!

  8. get what they need when they ask keep drinks full, don't be a pain let them eat they didn't come to talk to you and they don't need to hear about your life make sure their food is cooked correctly before and after you deliver,  it take years of practice for it to all come naturally   good luck

  9. be very nice and check on them as much as possible. ask them how their food is/was.

  10. Well, if you're female, you can always try flirting 'em up a little bit.  

    In general, though, I think people want a server to make sure their table is not being neglecting but also don't want the server to be overly intrusive.

  11. Be the best that you can be....remember this: How would you like to be treated by a waiter/tress when you go to a restaurant?

    Take it from there....and don't forget to wear your best smile...even if you are having a bad day.  :)

    Good Luck.

  12. Give them some time between ordering drinks and ordering food. thats is always the most annoying thing. when they come 3 minutes after you order your drinks.

  13. be yourself. u kant b a good waitress if your looking false. just make sure you atless smile and when your serving mulitable tables make sure you check on each table at lest 2 times during the time that they are at the resterant.

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