I feel like I cant even disagree with my husband anymore. Ok let me back track... We've been together for 6 yrs. After we got married as embarassed as I am to admit, I turned into a not so nice wife and got pretty disrespectful to him and the relationship in general. We almost divorced over it. I asked him to be patient with me and work with me and I would try my best to change. Well he did. He would let me know nicely but firmly that "I dont appreciate being talked to like this. You need to stop screaming at me now" Ok fast forward to present day. I HAVE CHANGED. No I dont claim I'm wife of the year but I rarely nag , yell, scream or am rude in any way to my husband. Even yet it seem like the nicer and more compliant I become the further he pushes it to the point that I cant even disagree with him without being told I'm being disrespctful and rude to him. Help??????