
How can I make homeschooling less boring?

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I started homeschooling in october, at first it was fun but then it started getting really boring, and now time passes by really fast, it felt as if no time has gone by since october. During the day I babysit my baby sister, and she doesnt really let me study so I watch korean tv shows all day, and then I study after my parents come home and on the weekends, but it is so boring not having any friends and doing the same boring thing everyday, how can I make it more interesting




  1. Use your imagination!

    Maybe consider switching to unschooling (or natural learning/autonomous education/self-led learning or becoming an auto-didact) rather than slogging away with 'school at home' type homeschooling.

    Do you not do anything with your sister during the day? Take her out to some activity or group? Take her to the park even?

    Do your parents not have a relly, friend or neighbour who could take the baby for sometime during the day so you could get on undisturbed without having to watch what she's getting up to?

    What hobbies and activities do you participate in? Can you not adapt them to form part of your education? A major part of my 'homeschooling', at the moment, is my learning to fly and getting my private pilot's licence.

    Investigate the availability, locally to you, of spending your time volunteering, mentoring, in alternative classes (dual enrolment, distance learning, etc.), job shadowing, work experience, internships, apprenticeships, camps, setting up your own business and the million and one other ways by which you can get an education -- and a 'real life' education to boot.

    Remember: *education is compulsory, school is not!*

    There's no reason why homeschooling should consist of you spending all your time (or even most of your time) poring over schoolbooks getting more and more bored, lonely and frustrated!

  2. I was home-school in Jr.High and Senior year in high-school.  There are usually home schooled groups in your community where you can hangout, meet people and stuff. I met several of my good friends there. If there's not one in your community you could consider starting one.

    Also- I had the same problem with studying (two little sisters of my own). I usually just got out of the house and it made it a lot easier to concentrate on my work. Try keeping the TV off till  certain time. Working out (running,swimming)  also helps to keep you focused and improve your mood. I remember a lot of times where I had tons of energy left over after I was done with school, working out is a good release for that.

  3. Let your parents know that you aren't being homeschooled to babysit for free.  Most homeschooled children/teens have a parent who supervises work and activites throughout the day.

  4. I know how ya feel dude.

  5. Are you able to go out with your sister? Go to homeschool park days? Other homeschooling activities? Or just take her out to the park? How old is your sister? Does she nap? If so, take advantage of that time. She might be old enough to train to do her own activity while you work on your own. Do your parents know that your sister takes up all your time? You should discuss this with them.

    What about after school time--do you have any former school friends you could invite to hang out with you, even if you are watching your sister?

    You are essentially living the life of a single parent, with childcare being provided during evenings and on the weekend. Think about what a single parent would do to get out and all that during the day.

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