
How can I make it look like Chipotle??

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Well my friend LOVES Chipotle to DEATH and for his birthday I decided to get him a chipotle giftcard... now I thought it would be neat if I could somehow wrap the gift to make it look like the chipotle burrito actualy size and everything... but I'm not sure how to do it!! does anyone have any idea how I can do this or another creative idea?? thanks!




  1. Since Chipotle is smoked Jalapeno then I would try some quilt batting cut into a cone shape, you can use a needle and thread to sew the sides together and add a stem. I would then cover it in Chipolte colored fabric adding some acrylic paints here and there in black for effect and green as well. Let this dry. I would add the stem last so you could stuff the gift inside it. Fabric stores, or Michaels should have the needs to complete it. Cute idea....

  2. If it is the size of a giftcard, why not just put in a real burrito?  You could have it in a zippered plastic bag to protect it from getting hot and ruining the food or the card, and may be cheaper than other resources.  You could even find a chile pepper candle and use it as a cake lol!

    What a great memory!


  3. Go to an arts and craft supply store like Michaels. You can get all kinds of things in there to make fake food. You could even get actual soft tortilla shells from any grocery store, and just get the fake fillings at Michaels (or whatever is in your area). Look in the floral department -- I know they have fake peppers and onions.

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