
How can I make it look like I have bigger b***s/butt.?

by  |  earlier

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I have small b***s, and I want guys to be more attracted to me. For my b***s, I'm 13 and my cup size is A32. They need to be BIGGER. Should I put melons in? I'm serious.

And about my butt, some might say I'm so white I don't even know how to switch right sorta thing. I want a nice butt, you know. So I was wondering, do they make boob pads for butts?

Thanks for making me look more mezmerizing.





  2. You are only 13, when I was 13 I had your size b***s and now I have big  b***s. Its all in the genes so give it some time than start worrying about it. For the butt, you dont have to have a big butt to have a nice one, Plus every guy differs on what they like. <3 Dont worry about it

  3. Yea u should put melons in it (watermelons to be exact) make sure they really squishy but not to pop just bouncy and for the butt get a pillow or u can put some butt pads LOL

  4. let me beat it up

    you booty and b***s will grow in days!

  5. thats a perfect size for your age.

    and if you go back to school this year like 3 cup sizes bigger,

    people are gunna know theyre fake

  6. I have the same sort of problem. I feel like I'm an ironing board. They do make butt pads actually but I dont know where at, and melons wouldn't work cause they weigh alot (especially if there's two). But did you know some girls complain when their TOO big??? Yup cause believe it or not they hurt, and instead of wishing for them too get bigger they wish they were smaller.

  7. Trust me, hun, I'm 13 too and I'm not even A yet. :'[

    I personally think your b***s are okay but I haven't seen your butt so I don't know. But they have underwear that have pads in them and can get you a better butt. They have it in almost every lingerie store.

  8. Um your only a kid they are going to grow dont want to stuff your bra with anything because it could be really noticeable! then you could be made fun of and create more problems for yourself....but if you feel like you need bigger looking b***s that bad...tell your mother and see what she says...i heard water bra's are for your butt man i dont know...they do sell butt pads but you dont want to be padded from head to toe!!!!!!...just wait till you grow up!!!!! being a kid is the best ...dont waste it.

  9. You're 13.

    Don't be worried about guys being attracted to you.

    It's no fun being 13 and 34D, trust me, I've been there!

    You're lucky to have what you have, some people don't even have THAT much.

    Guys DO occasionally like personalities, especially the right ones.

  10. love who you are, and thats the only way you'll ever be happy

  11. For your b***s, wear a padded bra. Invest in a wonderbra. They are amazing and i swear by them. I am a 34 b. as soon as i put on a wonderbra I go to a 34 c. I love them.

    Also for your butt, wear jeans with pockets that have buttons on them. You can also do exersizes. I am not sure what though. maybe someone else will tell you, if not, youtube works wonders, just  look it up.

    Good luck hun


    Answer mine please

  12. Yes. Use melons. Then guys will think you're yummy!

  13. Sad. You just need to learn to love what you've been born with.

    Real genuine guys are gunna love you for you, not your bust/butt size

  14. They make padded underwear check out:

    And for the b***s, get a padded push up bra.

    Don't worry though your young, they're still coming in

  15. uh frist of all your 13

    your still a little one

    just wait till your body fills itself out.

  16. Trust me they will grow, you're only 13, and thats when they begin to really spurt! I would suggest that if you are realllllllllly desperate that you should take some pills specialized for that, but make sure they are healthy. But, putting things in your bra, will make you really paranoid and scared that anyone would find out that you stuff. So i suggest do it naturally. and i'm not gonna say to learn to love yourself, because you will eventually but your age is stubborn when it comes to that stuff, but GL!

  17. Yes use melons, but not only for your b***s, why not go the whole ten yards and use melons in your booty too? I would use canalope. :)

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