
How can I make it look like i"m drinking??? lol?

by  |  earlier

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im pregnant, only 5 weeks and 2 days and I dont want to tell anyone yet incase of miscarriage ...but I have a weekend family reunion and a wedding (friends of ours a young couple with open bar eeeek) within the next two weeks! how do I make it look like im drinking when im not ! I dont want anyone to notice!!! thanks




  1. I had to do the same thing when I was very early on - I went to a Happy Hour with my work friends. I went to the bar, asked for cranberry juice and sprite mixed together - and of course, virgin margaritas. You could also get a Coke and say it is rum and coke. Just let  the bartender know you are pregnant and want to keep it on the "DL" - worked for me!

  2. Simple solution, eat something weird on the way from some place that no one else with you is willing to eat, then claim its s******g with your stomach, add a couple of butt clenched scampers towards the bathroom and you are golden. cough it up in the bathroom for added effect

  3. Get a virgin alcohol drink. Or get a diet coke and just tell everyone it's a rum and coke.

  4. Are you really that much of an alcoholic that everyone will get up in your business if you don't drink at an event? O.o

  5. I got really good at this as I was not ready to tell folks I was prego - my friends would guess right away if I wasnt drinking. I did two things - take a glass of wine/beer whatever your usual choice and take the occasional sip must mostly just hold it. Then leave it somewhere and get another. Another approach I used was to pass it off to my husband when no one was looking. Also, you could proclaim to have to be the DD so you cant drink much. Good luck - not long before youll be able to share the great news!

  6. take a wine glass an put tea or something that looks like alcohol.

  7. get coke or diet coke ppl will think its a rum and coke, or make a virgin pina colada or daquri!

  8. can you drive? you could offer to drive, and then advise you cant drink because youre driving?

  9. lol just put the bottle to your mouth and turn it up without drinking and after a little bit do dump your drink out somewhere lol


    or just say you are sick and dont feel like drinking =)

    good luck lol

  10. You don't drink.

    Why do you HAVE to drink?

  11. ummm.........just get cranberry juice with out the vodka =)

  12. Tonic water and lime.

    Cranberry Juice.

  13. If anyone says anything, say you're on an prescription and you can't drink alcohol.

  14. Sprite=wine cooler

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