
How can I make like $80 in two weeks?

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I can't sell anything, and I don't want to work. (I'm in 7th grade) I want to buy a back-to-school outfit so how???




  1. There are many many sites out there that enable people to make money you just have to do a bit of digging to find something that you are able to do. When you say you dont want to work I assume you mean physical work because otherwise it will be impossible to make $80 from nothing. As the saying goes, "money doesnt grow on trees".

    So with that in mind if I was you I would look at some websites that pay money for writing articles or filling out questionairs. Just google it and you will find loads of sites paying for this service.

    Im not sure how good you are at web design but if you can knock up a two page website you could earn some money. one page would be an article or review you have written about something very specific. For arguements sake lets say you wrote about external hard drives. You could review three hard drives in your article telling people which one is the best and why. Then at the bottom of the page is a link to Page two of your website which will be affiliate links and images and discriptions of the three hard drives youve just reviewed. If this two page website is put in googles adwords with good referance keywords you will make way more than $80 in two weeks. The good thing about this is google loves reviews and articles about specific items/subjects so you will rate highly in there search if your keywords are good. I did this and it cost me in total $200 a month to advertise with google adwords but I made $2400 in sales so my profits were $2200 in one month. Pretty good huh! Its mainly down to the strength of your review and you keywords. oh yeah and finding good affiliates that pay well and on time. Anyway I hope this novel helped.

    (sorry I had to go back and edit this because I suggested things that may not be considered appropriate. I didnt realise you was in the 7th grade. Very sorry!! My ideas may not be practical for you at such a young age but maybe someone else could benifit from what i said)

    I have a great Idea for you though, ANNOY YOUR PARENTS, nag, whine, beg, plead constantly for two weeks and surley they will give in eventually. Ha Ha Ha:-)


    Corr Blimey

  2. You have to have a CC to earn money on projectpay! She's in 7th grade! Here is an idea BABYSIT, WASH THE CAR!

  3. Wow, you sound spoiled.  Working or selling something is pretty much your only option, unless somebody gives you money.  It doesn't sound like you deserve a new outfit though.  Maybe it is time that you learned that money doesn't grow on trees.

  4. The only way for you to  make money is to work. There is no other way for you to make money obivously sounds like your spoiled and want everything handed to you on a silver platter nothing in life is free so you might as well get used to it now.

  5. At your age, your options are limited. Most businesses want you to be at least 16.

    Time to be inventive:

    My suggestions to you:

    Make up flyers and pass them around in your neighborhood.

    Offer to do whatever work it is you want to do, such as :

    Pass out Flyers, Computer work, Babysit, Clean Garages, Organize Cupboards, File Papers, Wash Cars, Mow Lawns, Pull Weeds, Tutor the neighbors kids, Walk/wash Dogs, Dog sit, Clean the Pool, Assist the elderly, whatever...

    Post first whatever it is you want to do or are good at ...

    You should keep your options open and make a decision after the persons call you instead of not giving them many reasons to call.

    Say on the flyer you are a student and are available on Saturdays.

  6. So you don't want to earn it and you can't sell anything. Quite the dilemma. Oh wait, no it isn't. Like most teenagers you want something for nothing. Either work for it or you don't get it. THAT is life kid.

  7. If you arent going to work and you dont want to sell anything, there is basically no way to get that money

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