
How can I make money? 10 POINTS!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14 years old and I already mow my own lawn, but where I live, in Texas, there's a lot of mowing services and everyone has there service so that's out, but I mean I need to save money for the new iPhone (White 16GB only 125 more dollars, YES!) and for a car, I mean how do you start making money at 16 if you can't pay for insurane, gas, ect. if you can' t make money while you're young. I mean I want to be a well living person when I grow up, but to accomplish that you have to have money. Can you please help me with jobs, and I don't get payed for working around the house or laundry. In fact I'm doing laundry right now. Anyways, what are some ways for me to work, I mean 16 is unfair for a working age, don't you think? Well anyways, please help me for job ideas. Thanks. 10 POINTS!




  1. sell sum dope hahahaha, seriously

  2. Check a local grocery store. A store near me, Publix, hires at 14, but I think that's only in FL. I'm 16 and it's very hard to get a job at a young age because of laws about labor or something. It's really retarded, but some places do hire at 14.

  3. personelly, im 16 and I work two jobs, go to high school full time, college part time, I've almost payed off my car and i basiccaly live on my own. One of the main secrets i've found about looking for a job is that when you apply DON'T ask for weekends off, if you want an iphone or a decent car, get a job in a restaurant, thats where I started out, i was a dishwasher making 5.85 an hour and now im a line cook at one job and an assistant manager at the other so theres usually lots of room to get promoted fairly fast and you'll have your iphone within your first check gaurenteed.

  4. i dont know im 13 and i have the same problem

  5. I struggle with this same problem!!! Here are some possibilities:

    1. Baby-sit!

    2. Idk if there are these in Texas, but where I live, a teen can get a job waving those signs on the side of the road that are for new model homes and housing developments

    3. Making stuff and selling it

    4. Helping other moms with chores around their house

    5. Ask your parents friends or adults you know if they have any small "jobs" you can do for them

    6. Recycle and turn it in for money!

    Hope this helps!!!! If I think of more I'll try to post them!

    Good Luck! :)

  6. when I was you I did all sorts of things

    collected pop bottles and cans and returned them for the deposit

    cleaned basements and garages


    picked grass seed

    did odd jobs for seniors pick up groceries etc.

    weed gardens

    just do a good job whatever you do look around put up some flyers advertising yourself and your skills and abilities


    14 yr old in good shape not afraid of hard work will hire out to seniors for odd jobs $10 hour phone me and leave message or something like that.

    you'll be straighting pictures and putting together Ikea furniture in no time

  7. Is there anything you can do? You can get a freelance job or just join some free money making sites don't say no to teens!! Get a prepaid credit/debit card so you can open a Paypal account on your own and start taking the most out of your internet connection. I've written a site with some online money making and online jobs seems to me online market  has been underestimated by many people. If any of those can help you, I'll be happy and so would you...this is not spam, if this doesn’t help you please ignore it and that’s it, I’m just trying to help. Just go to the page and you'll find sites there. Hope any of those can help you out, good luck...

  8. You can start sell something on ebay. if you dont want to sell on ebay then 'affiliate marketing' is a solution. if you dont want to start with affiliate marketing then you can join with any online survey site to get some extra cash. If you think survey is looks like hard to do then find out any outsourcing company that will enable you to do work from home. But remember dont spend money to any online company & be carful about scam.

    Online Business Tips

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