
How can I make my 6yr old sleep longer?

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I have 2 kids aged 3 and 6. My 3yr old sleeps for 12 hrs through the night. My eldest only sleeps for 8 hours no matter how early or late I put her to bed. Im worried that this isnt long enough as she is tiring by tea time. I have tried all kinds to encourage her to sleep more to no avail. Does anybody have any serious ideas? Is it normal for a 6yr old to sleep so little?




  1. I think 8 hrs is can always slip some nyquil at bed time..JK. sounds like a healthy kid to me...

  2. Limit the caffeine that she drinks during the day, get room darkening shades, warm bath prior to bedtime, no tv, read a book before bed.

  3. You're right.  She should be getting about 10hrs of sleep each night.  But sleep is a very individual thing so it's normal for each of your children to have different sleep habits.

    During my early childhood certification training, I was taught that some children  need naps or a rest time to sleep longer at night regardless of age.   My 6yr old son is such a case.  When he comes home from school, he often has a 20min rest period (I'll read to him or he listens to a cd).  Since we initiated the rest time, he sleeps longer and more soundly at night because he isn't overtired.  

    If you think that's too much, try easing her into sleep.  My 7yr old daughter is kinda high-strung.  When she's really stressed, I use breathing techniques and massage before bed time to help her relax so she can fall asleep easier.

    Also no beverages, tv, computer, or vigorous activity right before bed.  No caffeine.  

    Good luck!

  4. How about including more activities for her to participate in during the day that will cause her to use more energy.

  5. okay you should take your kids out to play at the park for a couple of hours or take them to the zoo where u can get family time in and get your 6 year old tried enough to sleep at the same things that would keep your 6 year old busy like puttin her/him in a sport or class after school becuz it seem like your 6 year old has a lot of time on his/her hands.becuz my sister child use to be like that until we had her do more stuff.just try some of the things i listed.

  6. as you have two children and both vary in age 3-6. when you have supper over, both kids are fed and contented ,you must see it from their point of v view ! your youngest has no energy left by the time she has done every thing during the day  , ie walking ,screaming and looking for attention , where as your 6 year old  has perhaps  many naps during the day , is well looked after and know's that mummy will leave her alone to do her thing , therefore as your youngest has kept up your energy level she is ready to slepp all night . I suggest  you put the youngest to bed very late  and leave the oldest to stay up more at night and you will find she too will get into a pattern of sleep management  , this will give you time to have unbroken sleep , wish you well , its very normal for a 6 year old  to need all that sleep .

  7. 8 hours is pretty healthy. try and schedule in a naptime, if you have the time. Maybe she just has an excess of energy: i know when i was little, i almost never slept cuz i didn't wanna miss anything. Try having a bedtime routine: do the same thing every night. read stories, snuggle, take a bath, etc. so she's used to everything and she'll sleep longer.

  8. Everyone has a sleep pattern so why should a 6 year old be any different?

  9. my son is 5 1/2. He gets up at 6 every morning. But he goes to bed at 6.30pm, some think this is to early, but he sleeps the whole way through, not logn ago i had trouble with him sleeping, he wouldnt settled, now at 6pm i give him a warm milk and a banana to fill his tummy and settle him, its gone down by 6.30 and  i make sure he has a wee then goes to bed, i give him one of those microwavable teddies to cuddle so hes warm and read him a nice story snuggled up. Then i turn the light off and walk away, he usually drops off within minutes. If he ever wakes ij the night i just whisper to him, put him in bed again, warm his teddy and say night night.

    If he wakes mega early then i put him back to bed, but he kows if he cant sleep hes allowed to sit up and read or play but hes not allowed to go out of his room (unless fr a wee) until 7, this usually works as he sits and plays gets warm snugg;les down and sleeps some more

  10. Some children need more sleep than others. Sleep patterns will vary and change with age. As long as she is getting enough exercise, nutrition, etc., there is nothing to worry about. Children this age usually need 8 - 10 hours per night. She is in the normal range.

  11. She probably needs 10 hours, but if she is functioning on 8, let her she napping in the daytime???

  12. Well Make them go to bed early! And if they woke up too early! and she comes to you, tell her oh honey it too early and everyoen is sleeping! She will stay on the bed and wait til she gets bored! She will fall asleep! Why don't you put peaceful music for her! Sooth or make her relax and it helps her sleep more and function the brain well!

  13. While the average 6 year old sleeps 10 hours a night, 8 hours isn't out of bounds of being normal.  My 6 year old (just turned 7) only sleeps 7 hours.  If she is tired during the day, schedule her a "quiet time".  Have her lay down and watch a movie. Turn the lights down and keep things quiet.  Make sure she stays laying down.  She may end up napping, she may just lay there until the movie is over, but either way she is getting some rest, and that is probably all she needs.  Also, does she have an afternoon snack?  She may seem tired in the late afternoon because of a blood sugar drop.  Give her a snack that includes a carbohydrate AND a protein.  That will probably help a lot.

  14. be glad is all i can say. the older u get the more u tend to sleep wen i was a kid i was always up by 7 or 8 and ready for the day. now i get up at 3pm. and im doing nothing with my life. i wish i had the power to get up early like your 6 year old. atleast right now they are motivated and have a chance at a good future dont teach them to be lazy bums this early.

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