
How can I make my 7 year-old step-son to like the baby name I have chosen?

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I am 6 months pregnant and have found out that I am having a boy. My husband and I have finally agreed on the name Ashton and our other son (my step-son) says he DOES NOT like it. Each time he refers to the baby he calls him by the name he likes. There are other people who have expressed the fact that they don't like the name, but that doesn't bother me, but should I be concerned that it is a name that he has to live with too and consider changing it, or am I being ridiculous? How can I get him to like it, or at least quit referring to the unborn baby as the name of his choice.




  1. He is 7 he will learn to deal with are the parents...not him and I wouldn't even consider changing it unless he is the ruler of your house...

  2. You can't make someone else like something.

    If he doesn't like it, I would compromise.  Maybe use his name as the middle name.  

  3. is there a famous ashton he likes?

    bribe him, tell him if he's grown up about ashton, he will be allowed to choose the middle name for his brother

  4. I have the same problem with my son.  His name is Evan and he is 8.  I told him we are naming a boy either Liam or Elijah.  He insists he will call the baby Will since I explained Liam is the Irish version of William.  He did the same thing with our dog too.  We named him Gizmo and he swore he was going to call him Darth Vader and that only lasted a few days.  So hopefully your son and mine will give up and get used to it.

  5. he's 7 years old, he can't be reasoned with. ;-) maybe use the name he likes as a middle name.  

  6. Hmm maybe you'll have to compromise for your step-son. Make his middle name the one he calls it so it won't be weird. Keep Ashton as the first name because it is what YOU want. And its your choice not his.

  7. if you and your husband both love the name, then keep it. it shouldn't matter what others think. if you want to try to help your step-son accept the name, maybe use the name he like for a middle name or that can just be his own special name for his younger brother. it can provide a special connection for them.

  8. 7 y/o are stubborn to begin with. You could try to explain to him that his baby brother's name is going to be ashton whether he likes it or not. (Ashton isnt a bad name for a boy i went to school with a boy named that and my younger brother's friend's name is Ashton it's cute) you could possibly try showing how it could be annoying calling the baby by a different name, by chosing another name and your husband and yourself calling your step-son that name until he starts refering to the baby as Ashton. In this situation it isnt a good idea to give in to him.

  9. allow him to choose the middle name

  10. dont listen to him hes only 7

  11. Have you considered coming up with some sort of nickname to Ashton? I can't come up with any suggestions off hand! I don't think your being ridiculous, but has he come up with any names to be considered?  

  12. no

    it is your baby and you decide the name

    maybe consider the name your stepson likes as a middle name

    if you dont like it as a middle name

    tell your step son that it is your decision

  13. You have to say who is the parent in this equation. You and your husband are. Your step son is intitled to his opinion but I would not allow him to call the baby other names. I would find that to be very disrespectful and tell him the baby's name will be Ashton and he will have to except it period. I personally would never give second thought of changing a name I liked just because someone else did not like it. Ashton is a very nice name for a little boy and I would tell the step son that he can pick and choose baby names when he becomes an adult and has children of his own. Until then he needs to refere to the baby by the name you chose. Good Luck  

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