
How can I make my Garden safer for my children?

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I live on the ground floor of a Victorian conversion and my 'garden' is just a concrete yard, there is no grass or soft areas where they can play safely. What can I do with it so they can play without injuring themselves too badly when they fall? other then digging up the concrete? I'm renting so can't do anything too drastic.




  1. cover it in those chips they use in play areas in parks

  2. helmets, knee and elbow pads.  concrete isn't a "garden"

  3. wat u need to do is buy that plush green carpet kinda thing it loks lik grass u can buy this at home depot.

  4. Put down indoor/outdoor carpet.

  5. let them fall over a few times. a few scrapes and bruises never killed anyone, it builds character. Just make sure there are no rusty nails or anything.

  6. You Could Put Some Bark Or Sand Down ?

  7. Put some grass in your garden? No ponds incase they drown

  8. At my kindergarten, we have a similar yard (more like a patio).. We have put down those foamy mats that look like puzzle pieces and taped them down with duct tape to keep them secure.  They are weather proof  and bit of a pain to clean up, but at least the kids are safer.

  9. i know this sounds daft but you can get rolls of artificial grass from garden centres

  10. I don't know how old they are so I don't know if this answer is appropriate, but how about a sand box and fill it with that sand that is like beach sand. That should keep them occupied.

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