
How can I make my cat's fur thicker or longer?

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My cat has thin fur while my brother's cat who was in the same litter does not.. well, they're not really cats.. more like kittens. 2 months old.

Anyways, is there any way i can have her coat be a little longer or so? I would like that because it would make her cuter (shes cute enough but she can be cuter if she had a longer coat) and helps during the ohio winters which comes fast.




  1. well the kitten you have is small by the way when it gets bigger the fur grows longer but it is according to the type of cat that you have ..

  2. Well theres not really too much you can do, just make sure she is eating properly and getting all of the vitamins she need. A lot of kittens have thinner fur, which thickens as they grow. As for length, Im not sure theres much you can do about that. Just because they're from the same litter doesn't mean that one can't have long fur while the other has short fur. You'll just have to wait for you cat to mature a bit more for her fur to thicken.

  3. Sorry but can't make it longer; genes and all that.

    To get it fuller, I'd feed them a good catfood such as Iams.  Extra nutrients such as kitten food will the coat thicker and glossier.

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