
How can I make my eyes healthier before my eye appointment

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In the eighth grade I had perfect 20/20 vision, then in the ninth grade I decided to take a Manufacturing and Processing class (welding), didn't put my mask down (stupid mistake) and I guess the bright lights from the sparks did something to my eyes...and I think that my eyes have been getting progressively worse ever since(I can see the board at school-just not from the back of the class etc). I'm going into the twelfth grade next year and I now have an eye appointment...and I DON'T want glasses at all...everyone likes my green eyes, making it a huge physical asset, and I don't really want to cover them up.

My mom said that she wouldn't let me get contacts if I need a prescription...

Oh, and occasionally I get a burning-like sensation in the sclera/tear duct/eye muscle part of my eye (not ure which one) it that they are dry?

That being said, how can I make my eyes healthier?





  1. carrots have vitamins in it to make your eyes healthier, but there is no way you can improve your vision. if there was everyone would do it!

  2. umm eat carrots

  3. That stinks about your welding class, but it was just an accident.  But sometimes, accidents have repercussions.  The sparks probably DID do something to your cornea/eye, and it probably has been getting progressively worse over time.

    That's nice to hear about green eyes, I myself have blue-green ones.  My mother made me get glasses in 6th grade (I have bad vision), but shortly after putting up with them she let me get contacts.

    I say you go to your eye appointment, your doctor might just give you certain drops that enhance nutrients and can help make your eyes healthier.  Or, sadly, they might make you get glasses.

    You can't be too sure, but since you said there's a burning sensation, it might just be a slight infection that could clear with drops.  You won't know until you go to the eye doctor.

    Even if you have to get glasses, you are going into 12th grade, correct?  I know contacts are only $30-$35 for 3 months worth of pairs.  I'm sure you could go to a place like Walmart, where they have a vision center, and buy yourself some contacts.

    My vision is -2.75.  If you get glasses, which I recommend having even when having contacts, you'll know your own vision and you'll be able to get contacts.

    I hope that I helped, but don't worry - I'm sure it'll get better.  And with the burning, it might just be because your eyes are dry.  My eyes get dry, too.  But I clear it with regular eye-drops.

    There is no positive way to get your eyes healthy, except for no squinting/harmful substances near it.

    I hope I helped!

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