
How can I make my fish get along?

by Guest33948  |  earlier

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I feed my fish very healthy portions and when ever I introduce a new fish into the tank they immediately (and I mean immediately) try to kill him. What puzzles me is that it can't be size thats setting them off because theres already a little guy in the tank. Its almost like they just kill any new-comers. I have lost lots of money buying nice fish just to get eaten. Please help. What can I do to make them get along?




  1. i don't really know but i think its because the fish that are already in there are territorial.

  2. Sierra B is right, change the tank around. that way, nobody has a territory to defend. Also keep the lights out for at least an hour. This will give the new fish time to find some hiding places, and help keep all the fish a little calmer. This works on my most aggressive Cichlids, as long as they are not a breeding pair.

  3. If you tell us what the fish are we may be able to help more...

    There are some species that are just too territorial to live in a community tank. Some of so violent they beat themselves up!!!


  4. When you introduce a new fish you need to move the items in your tank around so that it breaks up the territories the fish have set up. You should also move your decorations around for mental stimulation of your fish. Try moving things around, if it doesn't work take the fish back because your fish are too territorial.  

  5. What kind of fish do you have? That would make a difference.  

  6. i dont think you can really get them to get along. they are being territorial and should be limited to their own space. buy a divider to put in the tank to put the mean fish on one side and the new fish on the other

  7. When you add new fish change the scenery around so all the fish find their own teritory

  8. if they do that it's probably because ,well ether the fish don't like new fishes, or the other fishes just don't want a new one. So try putting the new fish in another tank if you have one.

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