
How can I make my home/lifestyle more 'eco-friendy'?

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Yes, Call me a tree hugger if you want. I've already started using Energy-saving lightbulbs around my house. What other products can I use? Where Can I buy solar panels? (And that stuff) And what else can I do? I recycle, if that helps :-)

Thank you




  1. Good work! shame the rest of the world isn't as pro-active as you. Have a look at this site it has loads of info on renewable energy and a great section for free info on what you can do in your own home including down loadable brochure with heaps of tips.

  2. Recycling and using the energy-saving bulbs are good!

    Well, when you leave your house, try and plan your routes (like when you run errands) in order to try and save gas, and if you have a hybrid that will be even better. Try and buy locally grown food at a farmer's market- INSTEAD of packaged, pesticide/chemically infested food that has traveled from who knows where. It takes a lot of energy for products to be transported from point A to point B (big trucks and shipments in mind). INSTEAD of using the horrible plastic bags from stores, use eco-friendly Re-Useable bags to carry your items home in - (A good way to NOT forget them is to put them back into your car when you are finished putting things away at home; I do & it really helps). Find out what companies are doing to help the environment and try to only buy 'Green' products from 'Green' companies. Planting trees is also a great thing to do, especially since they're more than just beautiful, they clean our air and help us breathe!

    If you can (or are going to) remodel or make improvements to your home, look up Earth-Friendly companies/products that are also good for your health - there are many, many places to get paint, flooring, furniture, and much much more that are not imported and are environmentally friendly. NEVER use vinyl!!! It is REALLY bad for the environment and for health!!!! There's a great documentary about vinyl called "Blue Vinyl" - I recommend it if you're into that type of thing.

    Turn lights off and electronics off that you're not using; turn the water off when you're brushing your teeth; wash your clothes using cold water (you'll save money too); hang your clothes to dry instead of using the dryer (as much as you can).  

    Remember that every little bit helps! Others will see your efforts & start to take notice, likely making some changes of their own! Spread the word too. There's NOTHING wrong with hugging trees:) Unfortunately, they keep getting cut down for corporate greed and 'development' (I refer & think of it as destruction personally), neighborhoods, streets, and so on; but, it is up to us to speak out and take action to preserve what little nature is left and help the environment on the ONLY Earth we live on. The crazy and insane people are the ones that are doing nothing to help the environment!

    I put some links down that you can check out if you'd like, there's all kinds of information that will (hopefully) be of help. Good Luck & thanks for wanting to help the environment:)

  3. Alright Treehugger?

    A few common sense ideas...

    I've found that if you have a bath next to a toilet, you can save LOADS of water by simply not letting it out and having a handy bucket next to it to use the old bath water to flush the loo! Common sense I'm sure... Also, sometime the energy saving lights are a bit dim, I find we sometimes have a standard lamp on and a small bedside lamp on to read and listen to the radio of an evening but... and this is really obvious... take off the lamp shade and it's much brighter! I have also heard of a new heating system that is 'intelligent' in that it responds to the light switch, when you turn them on, that room is heated, you don't have to run around turning all the radiators off or use one room whilst the others are wasting heat (probably suited to new builds though). If you have a garden you could invest in a ground source heat pump, they really effective, my bro has one and heats the house happily through winter. If you're gonna insulate the loft, I'd use natural sheeps wool, really good stuff and much more ecological. Hope some of these help.

  4. stop using petrol and polythene

  5. You've gotten far more informative answers than mine, but here are a few sites with more ideas for you:

  6. A really good investment is your own compost maker. You put banana peels, orange peels, and even egg shells in there and it churns it for you to make fresh soil. The soil is SO good for your plants.

    Try only to use the heater when you absolutely need it. Don't ever sleep with it. Don't leave open doors when its on.

    I know you said you recycle, but i dont know if you recycle cans on their own. I separate the cans/bottles from the regular plastics. Every now and then I take the bottles to a recycling place and they give me money for them!! It comes from the cash refund value that we already pay. So you're not really making any money, but you are getting some money back. And even though its only about 5cents per bottle I usually make about $40 each trip. I like it!!

  7. Here are some small changes I have made in my life that help save money and are eco-friendly:

    1) Carry a small, reusable  bag with you. (I have one that zips itself up and I keep it in my purse. They also fit in jacket pockets. When I go to a store to buy something, I don't take a bag from the store. It saves many bags per year).

    2) Bring your own bags to the grocery store. Either reuse grocery bags from previous trips or bring your own reusable bags. This saves hundreds of bags per year! Some grocery stores even give you money back for using your own bags.

    3) Recycling is very important, but it also uses precious resources and energy. Reduce and Reuse things as well as recycling. Before recycling, see if the item may be useful in another way. For example, that container your food came in--could you use it for storage of something else? Or a craft project? Those old maps could be used as wrapping paper before being recycled. Newspaper is good for that, too.

    4) Buy items in less wasteful packaging.

    5) Consciousness of use of electricity and water is one great way to help mother earth. It is also a great way to save money. Take shorter showers, etc. Also be cautious of how much water and electricity washing clothes takes. Do full loads, as you will waste water and electricity if you do small loads. Using warm or cold water helps, rather than hot. Try hanging some of your items to dry. Consider using bath towels more than once hang them to dry in between.

    6) Compost. My family composts as well as reducing, reusing, and recycling. At the end of my driveway each week you will see a very tiny bag of trash, if there is one. The rest is recycle bins of items that no longer have a use. Composting helps us to reduce the amount of trash we put out.

    7) Do what you can to reduce junk mail (now that's hard!!). However, when you receive junk mail, don't just throw it away. Use the envelope or paper for scrap paper, grocery lists, etc.

    8) Try to use as many reusable products as possible. For example, I don't use "baggies" for snacks and sandwiches because I found this wonderful product that serves as a place mat/plate and container for sandwiches and snacks. They are cloth with lining, they fold up and velcro holds it together. They open up into a plate! Easily washable and reusable. Saves lots of waste! It is called "Wrap-N-Mat".

    Part of this as well is not using products like paper plates, plastic cups, and plastic eating utensils. Use the real thing as much as possible.

    9) Walk, ride your bike, or use public transportation when you can. It benefits you by saving gas money, and getting some exercise! It benefits the environment by using less fuel, less hazardous waste into our air, etc.

    10) How about those holiday cards you may receive? Feel like they just go to waste, even if you do recycle them? St. Jude's Hospital takes your old holiday cards and reuses them. Just send them the front of each card, and the children reuse them.  Also, use email and electronic greetings for holidays and special occasions. Let your friends know what you are doing, and they may follow. Imagine how much paper will be saved!

    There's many more things you can do, and lots of resources on the internet! Thanks for reading!

  8. you can buy solar panels online or from any construction people. recycle, energy star appliances, energy saving light bulbs, etc

  9. Bring more live potted plants indoors will greatly improve your  home or office environments.

    "Common indoor plants may provide a valuable weapon in the fight against rising levels of indoor air pollution. Those plants in your office or home are not only decorative, but NASA scientists are finding them to be surprisingly useful in absorbing potentially harmful gases and cleaning the air inside modern buildings.

    NASA research has consistently shown that living, green and flowering plants can remove several toxic chemicals from the air in building interiors. You can use plants in your home or office to improve the quality of the air to make it a more pleasant place to live and work - where people feel better, perform better, any enjoy life more."

    My Best Recycling Idea

    Besides recycling the plastic containers, you can improve your work or home environments by bringing live potted plants indoors.

    Major items needed:

    One empty plastic gallon container.   Tree Top Apple Juice is preferred, or equal in shape.

    One empty plastic ½ gallon container.  Langers All Pomergranate Juice is preferred or equal.

    Directions:  Lay the plastic gallon container on its side so the front label is facing up.  Place the empty plastic half gallon container on the label and with a sharpie pen outline the bottom on the Tree Top label and with a sharp knife carefully cut the outline.  Insert the half gallon into the hole until it rest on the back label of the gallon container.  Then mark and cut approximately one inch above the cut on the ½ gallon  to complete your planter container.  Remove and drill several ¼ inch holes on the bottom of the ½ gallon cut container for drainage.

    Fill the cut ½ gallon planter with one inch of gravel before putting in good potting mix soil and live growing plant.

    Go to NASA’s Clean Air Plant Study for the top ten plants that cleans the indoor air better than the rest.

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