
How can I make my house smell good?

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I can't use air freshening spray. But I do have candles. I'm always so jealous of people with those houses that when you walk in, you take a deep breath in because it smells so fresh.

It's not that my house smells - it's just that it smells like nothing, and I want it to smell good.

What are some tips to get my house smelling fresh?




  1. I have Air Wicks all over my house. Everyone always compliments me on how "clean" it is, but it's really the fragrance in the air.  Be careful about leaving candles on.  One of my friends forgot to blow out a candle and her condo went up in flames.  She lost her dog, and her neighbors also lost many of their belongings.

  2. I buy scented oils as well as potpurri and heat it on the stove for a while on low. It permeates the air and the furniture.

  3. Maybe it does smell good - you just can't tell because you've gotten used to the smell. All homes has a certain smell, but you don't realize your own smell because you're used to it. If you burn lots of candles, then I'd bet it smells good. Ever notice how when you first burn a candle and it smells nice but a bit later you can't smell it as good but its still burning?

    Oh, but if you have a bath and body works near by, they sell these really awesome plug ins. I can't remember the scent, but the pink one made the house smell really lovely. :)

    good luck :)

  4. potpourri in bowls around the place.

    Simmer some on the stove too.

    Sprinkle some on the carpet and vacuum it up.

    Burn those candles..  but use the same scent - vanilla is the easiest to find - you don't want scents clashing.

    Use scented dryer sheets for sheets, towels, and bathroom rugs.

    There are bathroom paper holders that replace your holder with a plastic one filled with scented beads or a gel stick.

    Bake sugar cookies with lots of vanilla!!

    Naturally keep the house clean - scents come through a cleaner house vs. an attempt to mask an unpleasant odor. But you've got that covered in your question.  lol

    Oh, plug-in are great too!  

    Good luck!

  5. I have 9 cats, a dog, a husband, and a teenager.  These are methods I use:

    1.  A candle warmer  Plug it in, put the candle on it.  Makes candles last longer.

    2.  Put fabric softener sheets in/on/around your intake/outtake air vents.

    3.  Boil water on your stove.  Put vanilla, almond, or cinnamon in it.  Don't let it boil over, though.  Makes a big mess.

    4.  After I vacuum, I put liquid fabric softener/water (about a 1:20 ratio) in a bottle and very lightly spray it on my carpet.  This can stain some carpets, though.

    5.  I use liquid potpourri in a potpourri burner.  My favorite is Grandma's Cookies.  

    Our noses get "used" to scents, whether the scents are good or bad, so if you're in your home a long time, it may have a "neutral" smell to you.

  6. You need to buy some new upholstery, lay a new carpet, clean the walls (with Windex/water), clean the curtains or blinds, open the windows early in the morning 4am or 5am for an hour or so before traffick, have a few vases around with fresh flowers, maybe burn some sticks of incense at nite, and don't allow any smoking inside.  

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