My cat is 4 years old, but for some reason this spring/summer he has decided that it is his job to feed the pack. He has brought home a mouse a month for the last few months & I simply can't take it anymore. I am DEATHLY afraid of mice & now I want him to become an inside-only cat. I have tried just leaving him in the house, but he will bolt for the door when we are coming in or out of the house. He will also sit there meowing & scratching at the front door in the middle of the night for what seems like hours. I love my baby, but I just really can't take it. I am waking up at night in a panic because I am CONVINCED that the next time he brings in a present he is going to leave it in my bed for me. AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!! So, how long will it take for hime to become used to the idea of being a house-bound cat & is there anything that I can do in the meantime to make life a little better for all of us?