
How can I make my mom stop smoking?

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She's smoked for as long as I can remember. I hate the smell, like I can taste it. by now my lungs are prolly blacker than hers from second-hand smoke. Now I have 2 younger sister and Im worried for their health.

Even when I ask to "please put her cigarette out, because it's making me nauseous," she just ignores me.

I know it's hard to quit smoking, but I'm concerned for her health and the rest of my family's.

btw, I've already lost one parent, and i rly dont think I can handle losing another.




  1. Both of my parents smoke two. So i know what you are going through.

    If you want her to stop give her stuff that will make her stop.

    LIke sunflower seeds .

  2. You can not make her. I would just keep telling her it bothers you, and if she does decide to stop help her out 100%.

    these may help:

  3. I had a friend who had this same problem, only it was just his dad who smoked. You know what he did? He took all his dad's cigarettes, took them in the backyard, and blew them up.

    I'm serious.

    Weird? Yes.

    Dangerous? Yes.

    Did his dad quit? Yes.

  4. You cant really make her stop.

    You can ask her and explain to her why its hurting you that she does it.

    Write your mom a letter telling and explaining to her why she's hurting you, your siblings and herself.


    Do a project and have your siblings involved in it with you..its teaching them that smoking is harmful and show them pictures of what smokers lungs look like. When you are finished with the project present it to your mom.

    Even though its summer. It doesnt mean that its not a time to stop learning. Learn the information and teach it to your younger siblings and your mom.

    Smoking is a stress reliever for your your mom you support her...but also you dont have to be around her when she does it.

    I wish the best for you and your family.

  5. Use reverse psychology...come home from school dressed all S****y one day...leave your purse open on the kitchen table (for her to find) with some cigeretts, a lighter, condoms (maybe), joint rolls (minimart will have some), directions to plannedparenting on scrap paper, maybe a beer bottle opener or a few bottle caps.  She'll find it and freak out, then tell her you're pregnent with a 26 year old.  She'll be pissed now...then tell her that the cigeretts are ruining your and her life and she need to stop for you!  

    Farfetched, but you might just hit a homer on this one!

  6. I have the same problem. Everytime I tell my mom that smoking will kill her she says "oh we all have to die someday". It makes me mad. She knows shes addicted but she doesn't care. Try saving up some money to buy those patches you put on or some nicotine gum. Thats what I'm doing. Good luck.

  7. I'm sorry about your mom's bad smoking habit. I think the nicotene helps her through being a single parents and relieving the grief of your dad's death. It's extremely hard to quit smoking, because it's so addictive and ususally for someone to stop smoking, THEY have to want to stop. I can understand that your position must be very frusterating. first step is I would, instead of asking her to "put the cigarette out" ask her nicely to "step outside and smoke" so at least you won't have to deal with the second-hand smoke.

           It seems that she is a bit on the reluctant side to stop smoking so I would gather up some facts about the dangers of smoking and talk to her about them. Tell her your fear for your little sisters and how you will support her when she decides to quit. Maybe, even get her started on chewing gum that will be used as a "substitue" for when she wants a cigarette and get her those patches some people use to stop smoking. Present these methods as "ideas" to her.

         This is mainly her choice, because she is going to be the one fighting the addiction. support her and help her to make the right decision. She definitely needs to hear how you feel about it, because she may not know it, crazy enough. I hope the best for you. Your mom will thank you in the long run so hang in there if she gives you trouble at first. ;) Good luck!

  8. sit her down and talk to her

  9. Wow, this is a hard answer to give you but it's coming from my heart, so I'll share it with you.

    This is the perfect time for you to LEARN and deeply understand that we can NEVER change people. Dr. Dyer says 'we are here to accept, NOT to understand'. Of course, you can't understand why your Mom smokes. It's crazy by all accounts, but you must ACCEPT that this is HER choice.

    Your parent is her own person. So you must accept her choice, JUST like you would want her to accept your choices. As you grow older, you will make choices that your mother will definitely NOT agree with, but she too will have to accept the painful reality that you are grown and that YOU must make your own choices (and live by the consequences). So...this is also something you must understand. I know it's hard. I want to just grab you and hug you.

    A month ago, my Aunt died at 55. Very young. Her middle daughter had pleaded with her to lose weight. Her middle duagher had tried to take her walking and she'd sit in the car. She tried to push her Mom so much to lose weight that she ended up losing a ton of weight herself. I was shocked at how fit and nice and she looked at the funeral. So as we drove along the streets of New Jersey, she asked me the same thing you are saying 'why didn't my Mom listen...', 'why didn't she try'. She said she felt so guilty. I looked her in the eye and said we can never OWN someone else's decisions. Her mother, my Aunt, was very educated, very strong; a fabulous and well-respected teacher with 30 years of service to the state of New Jersey, but she didn't take care of her health and that was her decision. As hard as it was for my cousin to hear, she said 'you are right. it's not my fault. my mom made her decision and it hurts but i have to live by that'.

    You can never change your Mom, your boyfriend, your best girl friend. You can ONLY change you. You can model the right behavior and live a good life, but even then it doesn't guarantee someone will live by your example. If you get this now in your heart, you will be ahead of women who are twice your age. You know how many women are 50 and 60 years old, still trying to change their deadbeat husband or hoping their drug addict daughter will change this one time (after four or five other times in rehab); this will be the magic time.

    So learn this early and you'll live longer! can sit your Mom down and tell her that you care for her and you are NOT judging her, but that you want her to be around for your wedding and your grandchildren, etc. But if she continues to smoke, then you must accept that and let it go. Don't harp on it because then you make her not want to be around you. You have to say "Mom I love you and I wish you wouldn't smoke, but're best chimney I know" have to let go and let God. That just means that you have to live and let live. She has to make her choices and YOU have to make yours.

    Always rememer, we can NEVER change people. You can pray all day and they may never change. You can preach all night and they may never change. You can scream all day, so why do it. Don't stress yourself out. Yes, this is easier said than done, but once you master it, you will feel a weight drop off your shoulder. YOu have learned one of the great lessons of life - allow others to be who they need (and want) to be even if it's unhealthy. My sister (now HIV positive) was on drugs for 20 of her 45 years on this earth. She can tell you that she stopped when she WANTED to stop. She still smokes even w/ the HIV. But that's her choice. The doctor has told her to quit to help her immune system, she still smokes. We have to accept that and love her anyway. It's her life and it's her death. Who knows, your MOm and my sister may out live all of us. Who's to say. All I know that I can't live someone else's life. And you can't either...

    So have a talk with her, then leave it alone!

  10. You can't make another person do anything.  You can get help.  Call your local child protection services agency so that a social worker can give your mom information about why it's important to quit smoking.  The social worker can also help your mother learn how it affects you and your siblings.  

    What's important besides your health is your emotional well being and her neglect for your concerns is something that a social worker can help with too by talking to you.  

    Your mom will be angry with you for calling a social worker, but the social worker will help her through it until she understands the importance of quitting and your health.  The social worker will not take you and your siblings away just because she is smoking.  

    I am a social worker and you can write to me any time.

  11. You can't  Just tell her that you would like her to quit, but that's all you can do.

  12. you could tell her how bad it is for her children....

    and you could show her how much money she spends on cigarettes and maybe that could stop her....

    if she buys more than one pack at a time you could hide a pck  (throw it away so no one else finds it) everytime so she runs out faster

    if only one is bought at a time you could take a couple out and throw them away...make sure to do this to an already opened pack so its not as obvious...

    tell her that your concerned

    put notes in the packages that tell her facts or how you feel about it

    hide her lighters so she cant do anything until she gets more

    get her hooked on suckers or gum...that is a good way that a lot of people stop smoking with....

    i hope you can convince herto stop!!!

    and i hope i helped!!!!

  13. you can't make her quit, I am sorry to say. But you can help influence her to want to stop. Constant nagging will not do it, it may even have the opposite effect.

       You could drop clues that you'd like her around when you have kids, or that you want your kids to be able to stay with grandma, but you simply can't let them with the smoking.

      Don't be mean to her. Ask her if she wants to quit. If she doesn't,  there isn't anything you can do. If she does, it will probably be very hard because she's been a smoker for so long, she may require some drugs to help Chantix is one of those drugs. She shouldn't rely on the drugs completely, she'll need to make new lifestyle changes.

      Perhaps start walking with her a few times a week to help her, and just talk.

      I could go on, but I just don't have the time right now :( I have to put my kiddos to bed.

      I hope you can help her out.

    Chantix link-

  14. Smoking already killed my Mom.

    Remind her of that.

    Thank God Daddy doesn't.

  15. remind of your dad and ask her if she'll like to die. Sit, talk and remind her of the dangers of smoking.

  16. Ughhhhh I try to make my mom quit EVERY DAY.

    She's already had breast cancer.

    And she's in denial that smoking helped her get that.

    She's just so frustrating.

    YOU can't make her quit smoking. She has to WANT to quit smoking.

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