
How can I make my parents let me shave?

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Well, I am 15 year old guy. I have a slight mustache, which I don't want to have. I've never liked them, they look weird and make you look a little unclean. Anyways, my dad won't let me because he didn't shave his for all of high school, and kept it for a while after, but this was in the 60's. My mom doesn't because she thinks I should also wait, she pretty much doesn't want to see me grow up.I keep asking her to talk to my dad about it, but she keeps "forgetting", and makes up excuses. And she says if I try it without their supervision, she won't let me go out until I'm 18. I don't know what to do, and I want to have it shaven by the time school starts. Help me with any experiences or anything.




  1. I'm sorry, but this has to be about one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Tell your parents if they "punish" you for shaving you will report them to the school counselor. That is psycological abuse.

  2. Go out, buy a packet of razors, and shave baby!  Shave like you've never shaved before!  (But do it everyday, as it'll only keep growing).  

  3. Your parents are really screwed up.  I don't know what to say.  Maybe they are bluffing.  I would shave it.  It's your face.

  4. I think you'll just have to go out and buy a razor and do it...make sure you use some sory of shaving cream in a can....wash your fac and then rub the cream on...then CAREFULLY shave cant go about looking like that! I agree with you/..iy just looks grubby!

  5. My son is also 15, and blind to boot.  He has been shaving for 1 1/2 years now.  Try asking if you can have an electric shaver (Norelco, etc.) and if they still say no, tell them a friend offered to teach you.  It should be a rite of passage with your dad, so maybe that will jump start them.  Also try to explain how you feel about the hygeine of it.  If all else fails, tell them the blind boy does it!!!!  Good luck.

  6. I'm 13 and I started shaving last year. Tell your parents that it's your life. You should have a say in the way you look. You pick your clothes, don't you? Well you've got to stick up for yourself and tell them what you just wrote. Maybe even show them your question, here on Yahoo.

  7. If you shave it, Itll come back thicker and darker.

    I wouldnt if I was you.

    Although... if you waxed it every once in a while....

    then itll still grow back but itll take awhile....

    and waxing would hurt....

    your choice :D

  8. Your parents are hanging on to you as a baby.  Ask them if they will get you an electric razor.  This way they won't have to worry about you cutting your face.  Or ask your mom if you can get it waxed (she realizing this is painful will probably allow you to get a razor).  It is silly for them to not allow you to shave....but the more you argue about it the more it seems to them you are acting like a child.  Do you have friends that shave?  Have them stay the night and make sure they shave when they are there so your parents see.

    Good luck!

  9. your dad is screwed up in the head go tell him you want to cut it off and see where that gets you if nowhere just grow out a shaggyass beard and look like you have been on an island for like 12 years  

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