
How can I make my relationship last longer?

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I'm 13 i'm about to start high school next month my boyfriend is 14 how can I have a relationshipl ike my sister who is 23 been together with her boyfriend for three years i'm so jealous of her

I want my relationship to last long because I love him weve been together since I was in 7th grade Aug 2006 2 years I want to make sure we don't break up.




  1. Are you kidding around.....don't worry or be in competition with your sister.  Who's to say she is doing it right?  Do it your own way.  Believe in a year or two he is going to dump you to the curb, because guys do that.  Just let him go, there are plenty of fish in the sea.  Enjoy yourself.

  2. Be yourself. Obviously he hasn't stayed in a relationship with you for that long for no reason..

  3. Well, just treat him with respect, and make sure he treats you with just as much respect. "R.E.S.P.E.C.T." also you have to make sure that there is plenty of TRUST in your relationship. You have to know how to pick and choose them, make sure their not total jerks, but i wish you luck and lots of it = - )

  4. First of all -- you're thinking about this all wrong.  Stop trying to cling so hard to the relationship.  That's the surest way to kill it.  Relationships should be about helping each other grow and become the best person they can be. They shouldn't be clung to out of fear and trying to set some sort of meaningless record.  Sometimes -- and especially at your age -- people grow in different directions, and they need to experience other relationships and other people.

    Your sister is 23.  At 23, she has met a lot of different people, and has a clearer sense of what she is looking for in a boyfriend.  You're 13.  You and your boyfriend are a habit, right now.  That's not to say that you're relationship isn't a good one -- but again, you and your sister are nowhere near the same times in your life.  I'm quite sure that your sister is not with the boy she fell "in love" with at 11!

    Don't be afraid to try new things (LEGAL things!), even if your boyfriend isn't supportive.  For example, if you want to try a sport or a play, and your boyfriend makes you feel like it would cut into time together -- then that's a sign that things need to change.  High school is a wonderful time to try new things and discover talents you never knew you had.  Make sure you and he give each other room to experience it fully, not from the sidelines, looking on, holding each other's hand for dear life.

  5. Just enjoy eachother.  Don't be in competition with your sister. .  Have your own friends, socialize together but have your own life.   But be very careful not to ignore signs that you aren't treated well, or you don't get along JUST because you want to stay together.  Unfortunately I speak from personal experience.  Last year, out of the blue my husband cheated and left while I was pregnant with our second child.  We were together since I was 16 years old.  I never expected and never thought he was the type.  Everyone we know were just as surprised he would do such a thing.  However, looking back, there were things that I ignored over the years that shouldn't have been ignored, just because I wanted to stay together.

  6. first off your prob. not in love your only 13. and just go with it dont try so hard and maybe things will just work out on their own

  7. Be yourself and always treat your boyfriend with dignity and respect like how you should be treated.

  8. well obviously you've been doing something right. just keep it up!

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