
How can I make my sons first day at a new school easier?

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He is starting highschool and is very nervous not knowing anyone. I want to help make it a better experience.




  1. If the new school is your home school your son would love you for teaching him yourself so he is not inundated with internationalism, fornication, anti-Americanism, depravity, s*x eduacation, abortion, ect.

  2. Just be encouraging about it & tell him it will be fine.

    High school is a good experience. I enjoyed it.

    My first day, I was going to a school where I didn't know anyone & I made friends my first day---&& i was shy & kept to myself.

    He'll be fine. :]]

  3. I am also going to a new school this year. I just moved.

    I made a facebook and requested people that were in my new school's network. You can "classmate search" and find people in the school in the same grade as him. It helped me a lot :)

    I always have a little trick where I'll drop my pencil of the side of my desk and say "Oops! Can you grab that for me?"  "Thanks :)" And then say, "I don't think we've met! I'm Bri. I'm new here." And there's normally a good conversation after that :)

    Hope this helps!

    xx    Bri    :o)

  4. i dont think you can, like taking your driving test, or giving birth the first time, its one of those milestones in life you just have to get through alone, bet a blow out at macdonalds on the way home might helptho

  5. Call the school and ask if they can give him a tour of the place before the "big" day.  If he knows where he's going he might not be so nervous.  

    Did you move to a new city, and that's why he doesn't know anyone?  

    My kids highschool has an orientation day before school gets out in spring.  They have all the kids from every school that will be pouring into the highschool there for a tour, scavenger hunts, sports, dinner and a dance.  There's only 1 highschool for a 50 mile radius so there are a lot of schools and kids that have never met each other.  That day makes it easier for everyone, especially the kids who don't live around here.  My kids had the comfort of knowing home is just down the street, some kids have never been to my city and all of a sudden find themselves going to school here.  

  6. just relax after 2 maybe he make new friends

  7. I am starting high school in a new school not knowing anyone either its my 2nd time to move and so just tell him there is no need to worry; there WILL be other new kids there and u WILL make new friends last time i moved 2 girls in first period that were new too sat by me and we all tlaked and had classes together and were friends for 2 years, so tell him not to worry because your gonig to think its harder than it acctually is.

  8. I really can't see how you can do anything since you can't be there with him.  It's normal to be nervous.  He will meet new people in no time.

  9. by him all the cloths he wants and dnt be all around him in school

  10. just be enthusiastic about it and he will feed off your positive energy without even realising it.

    He'll be fine!  Just make a fuss of him after he comes home on the first day!

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