
How can I make my web site the same on IE and mozilla? It is showing up scrambled on Mozilla. Help!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm working on a site and the words are overlapping a bit and my pictures are not lined up. Any help would be appreciated.




  1. As you may know a domain name is just a name, not a real website. If you are going to create your website: 1- Buy a domain name. 2- Buy a web hosting service to provide your online space and enable you to get your website online at your purchased domain name.

    If you want to start your website I recommend purchase your domain and hosting together. In this way it is possible to get your domain for free. Some hosting services offer this gift today.

    One of these services is reachable at: . Their service is really great and easy to use. This company offers "Free Site Builder" that helps you build your web pages without difficulty if you are not skilled in using any website creating program. (WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get).  This web host is frontpage/dreamweaver compatible.

  2. 2 questions:

    1. Did you use Frontpage or Dreamweaver to create your pages? That might be the problem. Both of those applications have the ability to use very non-standard coding and are very Windows centric. (There is no Linux version or Mac version of either program).

    2. Are you using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)? Read the tutorial to see what they can do for your design.

  3. most of the times (but not always), you just have errors in the code that show one way in one browser and another way in another browser.  In Firefox, install an addon named HTML validator, it will show you what problems you have in the page.

  4. 1. You start by using a VALID doctype. A valid doctype causes the browsers to render in STANDARDS mode as opposed to QUIRKS mode.

    This is not a valid doctype:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

    This is a valid doctype:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">

    (side note: XHTML is NOT a "better" doctype for most sites unless you are actually creating extensible elements. But if you use XHTML. use a valid doctype.)

    Note the full URL to the DTD.

    Why? When you render your pages in quirks mode, not all the CSS attributes will work. To tell your render mode, in FireFox right-click the background area and Select "View Page Info." It should say "Standards Compliance Mode."

    2. DEVELOP IN FIREFOX, ADD HACKS FOR INTERNET EXPLODER. There is no end to how important this is. FireFox is much more standards compliant. Although IE 7+ is better than previous versions of IE, it still has problems. So create your pages to work in FF, then you will see they will work as well in Safari, Opera, and other standards compliant browsers. If you're lucky, most of it will work in IE 7+ too, but you may need to do some hacks for IE 6 (which is still a LARGE share on the Internet.)

    3. VALIDATE your pages:

    Make EVERY page pass validation, or limit validation errors to things you cannot fix. For example, a Flash Object which uses <object><embed></object>. This is invalid HTML (an embed nested inside object, and embed is a deprecated element.) This actually can be fixed by using SWFObject, but the concept is, make sure any validation errors do NOT interfere with layout issues.

    A point about validation: don't let "100 validation errors" freak you out. Usually if you have one, it will cascade and kick others. Start with fixing the first validation error and often many of the ones that follow will go away.

    Another point to note: part of validation is the fact that raw quotes and ampersands MUST be substituted with entities. I can't post the entities here, YA will render them as " and &. Find the entities for these - a quote mark is a & followed by quot (just like that, not the full word "quote") followed by ;, and an ampersand is an & followed by an amp followed by an ;. This applies to query strings (links) as well, and the links still work.

    Follow these three steps and your cross browser issues will start to go away, if they don't go away completely.


    "edit- I am using a Content Management System at work. I'm not sure how to ID the mistakes, do I just have to read through all the HTML?"

    Use the W3C validator mentioned above. Your CMS should have editable templates. Fix the errors related to your template FIRST - load up a blank page somewhere with no content on it. Then point the validator at pages with content, and fix your content errors.

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