
How can I make my webpage more popular and sale more?

by  |  earlier

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ok I have opened my internet store, I am saling handmade jewerly, made by colombian natives, I sale nekclaces, earring and bracelets, in the 3 weeks I have, I have sold only 1 item, My dad bought it, LOL but I do not know how to attrack traffic, some one knows how can I make it more popular and that way sale more????

by the way if you want to buy something =) my website is.




  1. Firstly, learn to spell or at least spell-check. Second of all, your page has no charisma whatsoever. It needs a more colourful and relevant theme. Thirdly, if you want to sell to a certain audience you have to find them. For example, advertise in forums, make a myspace page or any other free hosting website. It works.

    also, ebay is a killer! You'll make a bloody fortune if you sell there.

  2. Is there anything you can do? You can get a freelance job or just join some free money making sites… I've written a site with some online money making and online jobs ideas that welcome international seems to me online market has been underestimated by many people. I also have some freelance job sites you can join if you have a career or know how to offer any service. If any of those can help you, I'll be happy and so would you...this is not spam, if this doesn’t help you please ignore it and that’s it, I’m just trying to help. Just go to the bottom of the page and you'll find couple of freelance sites there. Hope any of those can help you out, good luck...

  3. I recommend you explore the most powerful marketplace on the web -- Ebay. There are many ways to take advantage of Ebays traffic. Do your research.

  4. Hi, what you need is SEO knowledge.  You can build the most wonderful, most creative website ever but if it does not bring in traffic, you business will not take off.  It can take years for a new website to be indexed by the search engines.  However, it can still rank high in search engines and attract lots of traffic if you know how....

    (Your site needs lots of redefine)

  5. Hi, I started a small bowling site last year like yours, . I had the same question, how do I get traffic. I asked around and my cousin gave me a site to try out. is the site he gave me. They do all the work for you and it boosted my hits quite a bit. If you have any more questions about it, e-mail me and we can talk more about it.

  6. Hi,

    I used to have problem to get traffic to my site. Here's a good site I found that really helped. It offer free ebook on online marketing without capturing your email.

    It presents a strategy for selling any type of product using methods which will never become obsolete. Plus an ingenious twist which will send your traffic rocketing.

    The Ultimate SuperTip, written by Harvey Segal (Mr SuperTips) is neatly set out, easy to follow, written without hype and not littered with annoying links.

    Good luck to you.

  7. Start by seeing if there is a good sized Colombian community near you.  Try to get word of mouth going there.  Next, see if you can add some content to your web site to draw people in.  For example, see if one of the main Colombian newspapers is on-line and provide daily links to major news from the paper.  

    Do some research about the jewelry you are selling (for example, is there a history behind the jewelry) and write short interesting pieces to get folks looking.  They don't have to be long, but they should be professional (correct spelling and grammar, etc.).  For example, I looked at your site and looked at the Pasto bracelet.  It would be nice, but I have no idea what a Tairona stone is.  It would be nice to see a description of the stones, etc.  Lastly, some of the language is grammatically incorrect - have someone proof the writings and make suggestions - people are put off by non-professional sounding write-ups.

    Go to the major and not-so-major search engines and submit your site.  It may take a while, but once it comes up, traffic should increase.  Above all, get your web site known - you can't sit back and expect people to flock to your site if they don't know about it.

    One last thing, the opening page is kind of plain...maybe highlight one of the pieces each week...sell it right from the homepage.

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