
How can I make my website popular?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike it is about depression, bipolar, Schizophrenia, personality disorders and any mental health related topic?




  1. Make ever page specific to something! If its about health. Then use a keyword that a lot of people would want to find out about. Such as: Health symptoms, Health Problems, Health and Safety, Health discussion. Then go to Social Marker and mark as many pages on your website using Digg, Proppeller, Del.ici.ous, Stumbleupon, Twitter and any others if you want to spend the time. Remember to include your main keyword such as "Health problem symptoms" often and add it to the tag section of your website along with "Health" "problem" "symptoms" (separately aswell)

  2. You can use your website address in your signature in your emails.  Also you can join a bunch of mental health related discussion boards and let people know about your website by having it listed in your signature.  

  3. Go to Yahoo and Google Search Engine, and write " Free Ads Post" yahoo and google have a lot of website where you can put your website for FREE.  

  4. Well, a popular website is usually one that comes up on the first page of the results of a search engine like

    And in order for your website to have a higher page rank on google, make sure that a lot of quality websites out there point to your website. So, basically you need to make sure that your website's content is really that up to date and accurate so that a lot of websites will refer to the information that you have to share.

  5. Advertise it...

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