
How can I make myself cry on command?

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When I try thinking of something bad happening, it doesn't really work. Not even something really terrible. Ideas?




  1. Using an emotional memory or imaginary one just promotes acting, An old Method Acting trick, it is passe` nowadays. What you  must do is learn that acting is reacting to the stimuli of the scene. When your mind is clear and you are receiving the stimuli of the scene while being the character, if the character is supposed to cry, you will cry. This takes some practice, as most young actors have been used to pretending on stage and today's actors do not pretend. They allow their real emotional reactions to occur without any inhibitions about it. This makes for effective acting.

  2. ok think about the saddest thing ever before you're supposed to cry. you have to time it right or it won't work


  3. Just hold you eyes open and don't blink for a while.  

  4. There are two techniques that work for me.

    1. Trying not to blink for a while.

    2. Trying to put imagine in a sad situation at that moment.

  5. Do you have a pet?  Imagine that you just discovered it dead.  Picture it in your mind.  Imagine how you would respond.

  6. i can do it just by thinking about like somthing really really sad.

    such as: parents dying, brother or sister dying, best friend dying, beloved animal dying.

    ANYTHING that can make you really really sad.

  7. That's really simple.

    Think of the one person you truly love and imagine them slowly dieing from organ failure in the hospital. Gasping for air as they so very slowly drift out of your life.

    That happened to me this year. It worked.

    Try it but I dont know

  8. have you tried thinking of personal experiences that have already happened that have made you cry before?  like being called something that has really hurt? replay those moments in your head and how bad you felt when they happened.


  9. All actors must figure this one out individually.  What you think of has to be something you are truly afraid might happen, and that would make you sad, not just some unimaginable awful thing.  Think what you value most in your life, what touches your heart, and then imagine you might lose it.

  10. when i was in theater in college i used pepper juice underneath my eyes.

  11. try keeping your eyes open for a while

    or rubbing your eyes a lot

    hope this helps

    email me ok?

  12. You can take small pieces of onions and crush them near your face. My friend who is an actor did this for a play before.

  13. When i'm acting a scene that needs me to cry on command i generally spend time prior to that listening to some of the saddest songs on my ipod. Then i while doing the scene i think of those songs and something in me clicks and i can cry non stop until I'm useless.  

  14. Think of something that made you really , really  sad.

  15. This is really the only way. To trick yourself and really make yourself feel sad and emotional you have to think of something terrible. The worst thing that could ever happen to a loved 1. This is what I do. I think of myself just finding out that someone very dear and close to me was killed. Then I start bawling. I never usually cry either but even so this really works for me. You have to REALLY imagine something terrible. If your trying to act you have to let the emotion/feeling overcome you. If you cannot do this, you will never be successful at acting.

  16. ok stare at something and try not to blink then in a little bit you'll cry like a baby

  17. onions?

  18. There are many different types of crying.  Some tears express sorrow, others joy, or anger!  None of these will appear genuine if you are smushing onion into your eyes or thinking of dying puppies (unless that's what the scene is actually about).

    You cannot think of anything else other than the situation at hand!  If you are in character and the scene itself does not bring you to tears, then maybe your character does not need to cry.

    Crying also doesn't happen on "command." Take your time, on stage/camera or off, to think about what you been through and what you need to do.  You need to approach your character intellectually before you can hit a scene emotionally.

    I use a "trigger word" when I have to cry.  Imagine you are playing somebody desperately in love with another person, but this feeling is not reciprocated.  

    Your line is, "You don't love me?"  

    In this example, use the word "don't."  Try releasing all your pain and frustration on that one word.  You should feel a tickle in your throat and your eyes might start welling.  Then rehearse, rehearse, REHEARSE!  

    Good luck!


    -Think of someone you care about more than anything now think about them getting taking away from you and never ever being able to see them or talk to them again.

    -think about that person again and think of the most awful thing they can do to you.

    -think about how sad you would be if that person died, how would you react and stuff.

    check this video out - they teach you how!

  20. Some people can do it, some can't.

  21. haha i have the same problem sometimes when i really want to cry but i just cant!! haha anyways u could carry around a freshly cut onion with you!! that really stings ur eyes but man does it make u cry!! haha hope that helpz!

  22. When I act and I need to cry on demand, I just think of my parents dying then tears start pouring down my face. Maybe you should try that. Good luck. (but if ur really desperate, then poke urself in the eye when nobody's looking then u'll start to tear up) lol :)

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