
How can I make myself feel better until then?

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I miss being pregnant more than anything in the whole world.I loved being pregnant, honestly it wasnt the attention or anything like that it was just how beautiful and amazing it felt to be growing a baby inside of me. I had my son in march and the day i gave birth I started wanting a new baby. I am on birth control because my husband doesnt want another baby for another year or two (even though he says he misses me being pregnant and misses the excitement of a new baby!) and I want to go with that. but I feel so empty without a baby in my belly. Im not depresse, ive been to two different OBs and my midwife and they all say its normal it will pass. What can I do? I work part time as an EKG technition and spend the rest of the day with my son and when hubby gets home we spend time together. I have so much love for them that just being with my son and husband makes me want another baby more. Im not being irrational at all I just feel like everyone thinks im being irrational and its just hormones. IDK what to do. Has anyone ever been in the same position? did the feeling ever pass? I just need some hope for this situation! a few times a day I will realize that im just touching my belly or rubbing it like I used to do when I was pregnant and that sort of makes me feel sad. advice anyone? thanks so much!




  1. Thats interesting. Well as a lady, you have many stages in life, and i understand that pregnancy is one of the best, if not the best time for a women, because of the confidence, beauty, and the unexplainable phenomenon that comes with being pregnant. HOWEVER, your now at the stage where your a proud mommy, and coming from a guys perspective, that stage in a womans life is just a great. It shows confidence in being able to take responsibility. Trust me, guys notice these things. Think of it that way. Embrace your beauty no matter how you look. Good Luck.

  2. I still have that from time to time and my daughter is now 3. All I do is keep telling myself that if I were to get pregnant again I would have less time and patience for my family. Enjoy these times with your little one because the time goes by so fast. If you were to have another one right now a lot of your attention would be on the new baby and you could find yourself wishing you would have waited because you might miss things in your sons life. Enjoy raising your boy and spending quality time with him and your husband you don't want to spread yourself too thin by having another baby just yet wait a year or so and give your little boy all the love and attention you can, you don't want him growing up resenting his little brother or sister because mommy didn't have as much time to spend with him as a baby due to the new child. If you wait then you can incorporate him into your next pregnancy let him help you that way he will feel important and a part of his new siblings life. Right now he is too young. I hope this will help you like it has me!

  3. You might consider getting therapy.  I'm not saying this to be cruel but think about it.  If it bothers you this much and the need is this intense then how can you enjoy your life?  You can't be pregnant constantly.  You need someone to help you figure out what it is that makes you have this need and a professional can help you do this.  You sound like you are trying to justify your need for pregnancy by convincing us how much you love your family.  This isn't about your child or your husband, this is about you.  You can't focus on your family because of your constant need to be pregnant.

    I can't relate.  I hated being pregnant.  I gained way too much weight and my body frame was way too small to carry it all.  I love my son and have no desire to EVER be pregnant again!    I wish you the best and hope you find your answers.

  4. I had my son in March also. Part of me understands. My son isn't easy so I have my good days where I would love another and other days not so much. I miss him kicking and moving inside of me so much but then I have other days where he doesn't let me sleep and I think I might never want another. For now I just try to enjoy my son and think that he would be harder to fully enjoy if I was going through morning sickness and the first trimester fatigue. Then if I got pregnant now I might be hitting the 3rd trimester about the time I would need to run after him as he starts walking.  I have friends with kids extremely close together and they have all told me that they don't even remember the first year after there 2nd baby was born because they were so overwhelmed. I don't think that's what I want, I want to remember it all.

    I am also breastfeeding and don't want to be breastfeeding and pregnant at the same time. I think my body will need some off time before doing it all again.

    I don't think the feeling will pass completely and I don't think it's hormones. You just have to think about it logically and know that's it's best to at least wait a bit longer.

    I have been catching myself lately wishing I had my big belly back and I have been looking at maternity clothes. Day dreaming I guess.

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