
How can I make myself happy in a town i hate, at a college i hate?

by Guest33606  |  earlier

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I despise this little town. I had a 4.3 gpa in high school...class rank 8. I got stuck at the state school because of finances and lack of aid and my parents wouldnt cosign on loans. Im now a junior at college. I have two years left and I dont know if i can handle it. I dont know if i can ever really accept that all the goals Ive set for myself will never be achieved because of financial restrictions. I feel like a failure. I set foot on campus and cry in the back of the classroom. I work full time to distract myself from what my life has become. Im so sick of the same faces after 22 years. everyone i know is a drug addict or drunk. theres nothing to do in this place expect for drugs. i dont know what to do. Is there any way to trick myself into thinking im happy? anti depressants? something so i dont care about what ive become?




  1. hey, its alright, im really sorry about your financial situation, its really a bummer. you are doing a great job as it is, and 2 more years really isnt that long. if you hang in there i guarentee things will get better. my one suggestion is if your not a christian already, you should become one. having a relationship with God has helped me through some REALLY tough times. If you are already a christian, try and find a group of people who are also. people who love God love themselves, and they are the ones who arent doing the drugs and alchol. reach out to your old friends, the ones who are nice (and drug free) who you miss from middle and high school. Sometimes it good to vent to people who arent actually in the situation.

    Remember... you are absolutley brillant. a 4.3 is pretty excellent, and you cant drag yourself into feeling guilty for not being able to go to the best colledge. look ahead the past is behind you. think about your life's ambitions, and what is to come. just 2 more years, and if you do well in school, you could go on to get another degree, a high job, or your master, doctorate, anything you really want. Honestly, college is your basis, and you can go in whatever direction you want.

    I really hope your do well, and I hope everything works out for you. Honestly, good luck!

  2. Apply for scholarships to a state college or university.

  3. A lot of people cant afford college, so try a little graditude.

  4. Find your happy place

    & go there

  5. I think you should transfer to another public school in your state. It is not worth it to be that unhappy. Also, it is more practical to transfer to a place you can be content with because in doing so you will probably get higher grades and feel much better about yourself and gain self-confidence.

    Regarding the finances, consider all your options. Loans, state scholarships, work-study. Do anything you can to get a decent financial aid package at the new school. If you aren't given enough, write a letter appealing and see if you can nab some more money. Trust me, this has a good chance of working because people drop out or decide not to attend the college and the financial aid that they left at the school just sits there until the next cycle of applicants. You can get some of that aid and all you have to do is ask for it.  

    If you can, try applying as a spring transfer so that you have a better chance at getting some aid and housing (if you need any). I wish you luck. I am stuck in the same situation as your are. I hate my college and its location. I have decided to give it some time in the upcoming semester (I am going to be a sophomore), but if I am definitely not fitting in there, then I am transferring to another state college ASAP. The college years should be a happy and exciting time where you meet new people and grow. If your current school cannot provide that, then it is time to go.

  6. Well you do have some options...

    There are always can apply for college scholarships to help you with your financial crunch. You also only have 2 years left...compared to the 22 can try sticking it out for just 2 more years..then you walk out of that town with a degree. Consider going to your school counselor and discussing your problems with them. They always have great options and ideas. You will be surprised.

    Or...leave...take a break. No one says you have get a degree right out of high school. You can still finish it. If you want out...go. Move somewhere where you have a connection or even somewhere where you don't. Be brave. Go to another state, establish residency for a year. Find some roommates on Craig's List...go get a full time job and go live. Once you turn 25...your parent's salary doesn't matter to financial aid. You will automatically qualify for more. Just go be happy.

    Just make sure if you stay that you look at the light at the end of tunnel. The tunnel is only 2 years long. I can tell you that if you are miserable it will only make the 2 years that much longer and you will NOT make any friends because no one will want anything to do with you. You also have to understand that if you leave that it won't be easy. Life is expensive. Life on your own is hard...but millions of people do it~

    Good luck-

  7. idk transfer?

  8. Your focus is in the wrong place.

    Nor can I believe that everyone at your school is on drugs.

    How did you avoid getting any scholarships if you were ranked 8th in your class?  Or did you not put out the effort to get any?

    Go talk to a counselor.  Most people have "financial restrictions" and still achieve their goals if they work towards them.

  9. get fun !

    swiming, fishing playing music, getting friends, hanging out after college, going to disco's and ...there's really much more !

    but the best is to do this things

    and every time after doing them you will think that "I had really good times at this ******* town" !!!

  10. Try to get a scholarship and transfer.  If you can't than just be happy knowing that by sticking it out you will be educated, have a degree, and no longer stuck in a rut.  If you give up, where does that put you?  No where.  Hang in there.  You can do it!

    By the way a 4.0 GPA is straight A's so you must be mistaken on what your GPA was.  You can't get higher than that.

  11. Monkey Warfare

    Chalk messages summing up your philosophies on the sidewalks

    Take the time to develop your philosophies

    Try reading some Abbie Hoffman, he is my only other friend

    I hate people. I feel like my husband and I are the only people who aren't morons in our age group. Focus on where you are going and don't let those losers hold you back. Email me for some people bashing if you wish.

  12. I think you need to move out of that place.

  13. maybe you can transfer

    apply for some scholarships and you might get lucky

    hope i helped a little

  14. That sounds like a rough situation, but one that you can get through. Since I don't know your whole situation, the best advice I can give is in generalities. 1st) Avoid the people who are known "losers" (drug users and drunks), 2nd) Find something useful to do with your free time (volunteer somewhere, i.e. Girl Scouts, Community Centers, Libraries, etc), 3rd) Stay the course you set (finish school), 4th) After you graduate, look for a job in your feild some distance away from your home, 5th) Never burn your bridges (always make sure go home again). I hope this helps and Good Luck!

  15. You know you sound like a real wnated to go to a good school and you had a good GPA. But its always the money right? :) Try finding good activities on campus. Do you have any interests like religion, acting, writing, a sport,or a favorite subject? Chances are there is a club or a team for your hobby. You'll make great new friends. I ended up at a state school too for reasons that are too long to explain, but then I joined a club and I met a ton of people. I love my school now. Try to look past the people you already know. You'll be surprised at how many people you don't know and how many you'll actually like and be able to click with. Also, for the money issues...try finding scholarships and grants. You sound like a good student so there should be something available. You can get a scholarship for practically anything if you have good grades...being a minority, being female, being on a team, etc. Happiness is all in the mind. Try putting a smile on your face when you feel down. Smile at everyone. It sounds cheesy I know, but you'll find it makes you happier and makes the people around you happier which makes you even happier! lol Try it for real! Just walk around with a big grin on your face. I really hope it works out for you. And I really hope you find happiness.

  16. Drug and addiction  can be devastating to family members and individuals.Drug addiction treatment can include medications, behavioral therapy (such as cognitive therapy, psychotherapy, counseling, etc. ). A Research Based Guide released from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) said that treatment must be specific to each individual and assessed and modified continually to match the person’s changing needs.More info:

  17. Chill, young lady!  The World is the same on every campus, It's not the school, it's the people you are associating with.  Find another crowd to hang with!

    I thought a 4.0 was the highest GPA   you can achieve.

  18. It would be worth it to transfer out...fill out financial aid forms and apply for a gazillion can find tons of them should care about "what you've become"  where will it lead you if you don't have confidence in yourself to rise above your unhappiness.  You'll never ever get another chance at being 22 again and you'll never get another chance to make the change.  just do it.

  19. You're old enough now that you should have an established credit history.  Transfer and pay for it yourself with loans (federal and private).

  20. I don't know, and impressive getting class rank 8 with a 4.3 gpa. I had a friend with a 4.3 GPA, class rank 147 out of 500. And state schools arent all that bad, in some states, the state schools are the preferred ones and harder to get in to. I'm sorry that you have to put up with this, and your parents being so unfair. Seeing that this happens in the world makes me so anygry that people can be so heartless as to their own childs academic future. The financial issues are tough to get by, but at that class rank there are tons of scholarship options availible

  21. don't blame your situation, the only one responsible for achieving those dreams is you; you know its true: when there's a will, there's a way. if you really had wanted to go to a good school and money was a problem you could have contacted them for aid, apply for aid at banks, etc; i.e i was class rank5 in hs but my family is not affluent, i receive over $30k in scholarship + state aid money every year -- my parents end up paying ~5k and the rest(~12k) is covered by loans , so dont give me that nonsense and start taking care of your business


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