
How can I make myself need glasses?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I really want to have contacts, but i need an exam to get them. The exam is wayyy out of my moms budget and our insurance wont cover it. They cover the full cost of contacts and glasses for istigmatism. How can I mess up my eyes so I have istigmatism.

I want answers on how and NOTT people anoyying me about how its not smart.

Idk if its not smart.

What happens happens and I want this to happen.




  1. You should just accept yourself for who you are and be grateful that you have good vision in the first place.

    If you want to change the color of your eyes, there are many online outlets that sell colored and detailed contacts. offers several styles that are very affordable:

    (For the record, normal contacts cost $50. Contacts for astigmatism will be in the $100+ range.)

    Lastly, damaging your eyes in not good, unless you want to risk going blind and never seeing the light of day again. For the record, I have an astigmatism in my left eye, which makes it more vulnerable for infection, even with extra precaution. As a result, I've had numerous doctor appointments and even had to be taken to the emergency room once. Your mom may be able to afford contacts for astigmatism, but can she cover the doctor/hospital fees if anything ever happens?

    And just for the record, if you intentially hurt yourself to get free contacts, I doubt your insurance company would pay for your prescriptions.

  2. do you want colored contacts or something??  Stigmatism is something your born with, you can't just "get" it. You can order colored contacts from the internet.  Its not the smartest thing to do but you can do it.

  3. How about you just go outside in the morning and stare at the sun for about 20 minutes?Or just let me poke them untill they get deformed...

  4. Why?

    I find glasses really annoying as I have to were them and they p**s me off.

    I would like to wear contact lenses but i am alergic to a substance which they use in contacts

    Dont try to mess up your eyes it could cause major damage and you may end up going blind

  5. arghh this so aggrivates me when i was young i used to read in the dark and now i have such bullshit vision and i wear contacts they are soo annoying why would u want to ruin your eyes!!!! you can get contacts without bad vision and they dont cost a lot

    please don't be stupid and contacts suck as much as glasses

    contacts: they are irratating, you can't swim or sleep in them or they turn into a chewing gum-like consistantsy. When you get dirt in your eye it sucks and hurts, your lense can go to the top of your eye and it may take forever to find, they easily rip and break, eye infections are easier to catch, they cost money, they make your eyes dry, they give you cloudy vision, ..................the list goes on!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. you don't want people to tell you you're not smart, so guys, i suggest we all don't comment.

  7. i used to always read in the dark and still have near perfect eyesight. but the one thing that screws it up is playing tetris!

  8. You can get contacts in many colors without a prescription. I have even seen them a carnivals, fairs and swap meets. I would not be at all surprised if you could find them on line. They ended up costing something like $10. or $20. dollars for a box that look like the prescription kind. Surely you can save your eyes by not putting something potentially dangerous in them ( a  prescription that isn't right for your eyes) besides when you wear contacts if the prescription is too strong it will make your eyes red and they look very unattractive. Best wishes.

    Light & Love,

  9. I really don't think there's a way to give yourself astigmatism

    I'm pretty sure you have to be born with it..

    There's always the internet..

  10. If you want contacts then just get the non-prescription ones.  I know places will sell them to you without an actual prescription, however you should be correctly fitted for them because you can damage your eyes with contacts.

  11. im sorry but your born with an astigmatism. that means your eyes are wierdly shaped. there is no magical pill that crooks your eyes

  12. You cant develop astigmitism, but yes, you can get contacts that are colored or clear that dont affect your vision at all. There is no need to s***w up your eyes just to get contacts. If your vision is fine now, just get contacts that arent prescription

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