
How can I make myself ovulate early?

by  |  earlier

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Is there anyway to do this?

By taking a LOT of vitamin B?

I don't know.




  1. I don't think you can. I know it's hard to feel like you're missing the window, but have s*x until he has to leave, and then see what happens. If you're charting, look at this as an opportunity to gather data without analyzing it or micromanaging your body during the TWW. This is not your last chance (though it probably feels like that). I had to take off last month AND this month and am very cranky about it, so I know how you feel. Take it easy...

  2. Eat pineapple

  3. honestly. i don't think making yourself ovulate early is possible...besides...why do you want to??

  4. I heard vitamin B 6 will lengthen a luteal phase, but I am not sure if it speeds up the follicular phase...

    I am not sure there really is a method.  If you are already ovulating regularly there is no need to induce could mess things up.

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