
How can I make myself stop using makeup? I need products, as well as support.

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A lot of my close friends tell me I should STOP using makeup, because I'm young and when I get older I'll get shaggier skin. I'm just having a little BATTLE with myself, thinking 14 is not too young. You know how it is, looking in the mirror and picking out all the small details that make us feel ugly. Like I have dark spots, especially around my chin and under the nose area. Once, a guy told me to SHAVE OFF my mustache, even though I hardly have any hair.... it just looks dark in bad lighting.

I think I am blessed with hardly acne prone skin, but now make up is changing that... there are a few pimples here and there that stand out.

Any suggestions?




  1. use hypoallergenic makeup :]

    also use facial hair bleaching..

    it will make your "mustache" look like its gone :]

    those dark spots might be black heads...

    you dont need fulll face makeup :]

  2. i was the same as you. i HAD to wear make up everyday because i thought i needed it, but i really don't. my friend convinced me that i shouldn't and don't need to wear it all the time, so i've gotten better about it and don't wear it as much. it's better not to wear it all the time anyways :)

    and for you little hair problem, you should just shave it.

  3. Buy make-up that's hypo-allergenic so you don't break out as often.  Also be sure to get a good make-up remover to clean your face each night and follow up with astringent.  If you don't clean your face well, your pores may be getting clogged and causing pimples to form.

    Also, get a make-over!!  Tell them that you want one with minimal make-up that still makes you look good.

    Oh, and don't listen to the guy that told you to shave your mustache.  You'll regret it if you do.  Your hair will grow back thicker and you'll constantly be shaving it.  You're way to young to do that!

  4. It's hard to stop.  Try cutting back and getting rid of the extras that you really don't need.  Definitely stop using foundation!  I don't care if it says non-comodenic on it, it's probably what's causing you to break out because your skin can't breathe!  Trust me, BTDT!  I started wearing foundation when I was 14, then broke out heavily and battled acne for 10 years before I finally stopped wearing foundation.  Now I don't wear anything, unless I'm going out.  Even then I only wear a little bit of loose powder.  Play with eye shadow or lipgloss and lipsticks.  It's fun and not going to irritate your skin.  

  5. the only thing i can suggest to you is .. think about when you get older your face will look 10 times worse.. you will get the toxic skin problems from using it.. you will get wrinkles at the age of 27 or sooner...what you put on your face now will harm you face later!!! don't you want to look young at the  age of 30 instead of old at the age of 14.. if you must must put on make up try the natural kinds that wont hurt your face there is links for young teen make up ..

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