
How can I make myself wake up earlier/on time for work in the morning??

by  |  earlier

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I set my alarm clock and my cell phone's alarm clock, but I still struggle to wake up! My job is not a real stickler for us getting there at a certain time, so it's not like I'll lose my job for repeated tardiness. However, I do want to start getting to work earlier, just because it...looks better (and I'll get a better parking spot LOL). Please give me any helpful suggestions.




  1. Set your alarm clock and cell phones out of reach of the bed so you will have to get up to turn them off.

    Once you get up try splashing some cool water on your face.

  2. try putting your alarm clock and cell phone on the other side of the room. this will force you to actually get out of bed to turn it off. then, istead of going back to bed, sit on a chair or on the floor.

    this will trick your body into waking up, hence, you are not lying down. turn on the light and stand up.

    good luck! i used to struggle with the same problem

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