
How can I make myself want to socialize?

by  |  earlier

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I'm suffering from pretty severe depression. Dropped 16 punds in two weeks, can barely see out of my right eye, and have a throat unfection that wont go away. All of these health problems make me even more depressed and have lead me to become a recluse, losing touch with all my old friends. I contacted an old friend last weekend because i wanted to get out to see if i would feel better. We are supposed to go out tonight. However, now I feel sick about it. I cant even imagine going out or getting dressed or drinking. Should I force myself to or cancel?




  1. for your physical symptoms, see a doctor, it sounds serious.

    as for your mental state, i'm in the same situation; i have been for several weeks. you shouldn't force yourself to go out, the anxiety you have about going out will only escalate-get an early night and book a doctor appointment in the morning. make sure you tell them exactly what's going on and perhaps ask to see a mental health professional, it sounds like an anxiety disorder. hope that helps. good luck.

  2. Try wearing something you feel comfortable in?  Also it may not be a good idea to drink anyway.  Perhaps your friend could come round and you could spend the evening at your place, if you would be more comfortable with that?  You would still be socialising but it would not be such a big step.  Take care.    

    I agree with the above answer also.

  3. no, you should cancel, trust me.  The more you try to force yourself to do something you dont want to do, the harder it will be to continue to force yourself, and you will eventually crash and return to being a recluse.  See a mental health professional.  And see a doctor as well about the physical problems.  Your sore throat and partial blindness are good enough excuses to cancel.

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