
How can I make new friends at my high school?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so today was my first day of being a 9th grader but I'm super shy sometimes; I play football and I know alot of people that I've never seen before. But I really want to get females to be my friends also and not just males but I don't know if I should just go up to one and start talking to her because I don't her to think that I'm a weird person or something. What can I do?




  1. having the same problem right now at my new middle school.

  2. you play football so thats a plus, girls like guys that play football, even JV football. when u are at a football game and u see a girl you like, just go up to her, and say her name a lot (cause when u say someone's name a lot he/she unconcisly think you are there freind) when u talk to her ask her something like if she saw a really big tackle or touchdown or something like that. and get going like that

  3. Hmm if you have unassigned seating in one class try to sit next to a girl.Or sit by one at lunch but not like stalkerish.Have an excuse to talk to one like  you don't understand a problem or something.

  4. Talk to people, just be outgoing. Dont talk to people at random moments, i mean talk to people in class, PE, start a convo with people.

  5. thats weird im going to high school but it doesnt start in like 3day were do u live i live in canada

  6. You should participate in activities that females are drawn to.  For example:

    1) Ballet.  Baryshnikov was male and famous.

    2) Gymnastics.  There are lots of male gymnasts in the Olympics.

    3) Field Hockey.  If they don't take you on the girls' team, you can claim discrimination.

    4) Knitting.

    5) Gossip.

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