
How can I make our Red Footed Tortoise's life worth while?

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He's not my pet, he's my sisters. But I just feel so horrible for his life. She never takes him out, never plays with him, only feeds him and gives him water Without washing out the dishes (they get all slimy and gross) He also has really long nails that are beginning to curl. He (Zeus) is also by himself because the other tortoise he had living with him (Athena) died over a year ago. Well I just feel awful for this little guy. I feel like he has no life. How can I make his life better? How can I play with him and stimulate him if i can? What can I do to help him live a better, worth while, loving, healthy life?






    get the bowl and cage cleaned out ... even if you have to do it yourslef.

    give the turtle some rose petals (make sure to wash them first)

    and take out to the yard and allow it to roam around for a while then take it back in...

    good luck

    obviously your sister should NOT have animals!

  2. i don't know i know that this doesn't answer your question but 1 thing you could do is get another 1 like him like a playmate

  3. I have two herman tortoises, and i don't know if you have to treat them any different to a redfooted tortoise,  but i wouldnt think that it would differ alot ..

    So, here's how I make my tortoises happy;

    They have a large tank, which i've seperated into 3 different parts. To do this really cheaply, just get 3 trays, which fit in the tank, and which don't have high walls (shallow enough for the tortoise to climb to one to the other).

    Then in the first part, i put some leftover lawn/grass roll from the garden. Second, i put in some sand (Make sure its pet friendly..if your not sure, use something else, like soil) and in the third, i put dome wood chips (from petsmart).

    Then i put the UV light (which all torts need) on the grass part, to keep it growing. The torts spend alot of time 'sunbathing' here.

    Next, i put the food and water bowl in the next part, and in the last section (wood chips) i put some hay so the can nest.

    Its cheap and easy to make, yet it keeps them happy and entertained.

    In warm weather, the tortoises can be let to roam outside, either in a run to keep them safe, or make sure you stay and watch them AT ALL TIMES, to protect them from going into places they should'nt and from predetors. Make sure they have acess to water and shade at all times.

    Mine love going and exploring outside, and i love to watch them! One especially loves crawling through long grass.

    A few times a week, i bathe my torts, which your meant to,for health. It keeps them hydrated, and they seem to enjoy it!!

    Get a shallow bowl/dish/tray/bowl ( I use a kitty litter tray which is perfect)

    And fill it with TEPID water. Let them wander a while, then get an old toothbrush, and use the birstles to rub and brush they're back.It gets rid of dead skin cells, and puts water back into their digestive system( or something like that .. but its really good for them whatever!!)

    If they p**p, pee or let out this whitey tissuey stuff, its normal and shows their hydrated.

    Make sure to dry them after, and PLEASE make sure the water isnt HOT OR TOO DEEP.

    He might dip his head under the water, he's just washing himself, and he will drink sometimes too!

    Also, keep changing his diet to give him something to look forward too, and to give him the vitamins he need.

    Things like lettuce should be kept as a treat, because its bad for them, so maybe give him it once or twice a months as a treat.

    Dandelion leaves are fine for them and they love them.

    Cherry tomatoes and cucumber is a favorite of my two's!!

    Oh, and in winter i let them walk around my bedroom, but they kept running away, so i put all my video's to make a wall around them, leaving them plenty of room, but not letting them get to dangerous places, i had to stack 2 or 3 on top to stop them climbing out, with the left overs, i put them on the floor, making ramps, stairs and hurdles.

    It sounds strange, but the tortoises had loads of fun climbing, exploring and just running around.

    Its was hilerous to watch!! and they had loads of exercise!!

    I also hand feed them to bond with them, and they like to be tickled gently under the chin!!

    They can look boring to someon who has never really tried to look after them properly, but they're fascinating and hve loads of personality, its just finding how to stimuate and excite them!!

    By the way, you need to start cleaning the bowls, as they could get really ill. And would you eat from a dirty bowl?

  4. get him a girl turtle...   ; )

  5. This is a good site about caring for a red footed tortoise

    I would also recommend getting Zeus a tortoise friend.

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