
How can I make out with my girlfriend without getting hurt?

by Guest59273  |  earlier

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I got a gf I really like and shes really s**y and everything, but I got kind of an embarrasing problem. We both want to stay virgins for now but we love making out and stuff but every time we start really going at it she keeps accidentally kneein me in the balls. It totally sucks because she doesnt mean to but every time she climbs on top of me or we roll over or somethin it seems like her knee just goes right to that spot and it really hurts!

Its getting to the point where we're both kinda pissed. I get mad because my balls hurt and she starts getting defensive and calling me a whiner and stuff. She just says sorry and keeps going because she doesn't want to spoil the mood but she doesn't to realize I'm in alot of pain, and then she'll accidentally crush them again and I feel like I want to die. I don't know if she subconsciusly is trying to bust my balls or if we just have the wrong body types or if its bad luck or what. She says shes trying to be careful but it still hurts soooo bad.

What can I do? This is so frustrating and embarrasing!




  1. Austin gets my vote!  It worked for Santino 'Sonny' Corleone.

    You could lock your ankles behind her and stretch your legs, look down at her and ask, 'Whatcha gonna do now, B****!

    Just make sure she can't grap your nuts when you do it.

    You could just tell her to bite them.  Serious, tell her you wanna see how much you can take, that way it'll be a fun game where you toughen up over a few months to where she can cut loose and you can stand your ground.  Boxers weren't born able to take a punch!  Besides, I have never seen a girl bite into them without getting hot and sweaty and crazy!  When she has that look on her face, like 'I got you now!'- believe me she does.  It's a powerful aphrodesiac for her- it's actually pretty amazing to him, too!

  2. Be a man and stop whining about it, she might just be really clumsy

    Give her a break...

    I hit my bf in the nuts quite a lot too, sometimes I've kicked him pretty hard so he couldn't get up for like 10 minutes and even he didn't complain too much

    Just wear a cup if it bothers u so much

    Otherwise she'll think ur just some lil immature crybaby and probably leave u

  3. bro im sry to say this but  the girls a ***** if shes kneeing u in the balls! even if she says its an accident u and me both no shes lying! dump her or tell her u want s*x cuz unless u want to PERMENITLY damage ur balls then keep this up, and trust me if u damage ur balls, ull never have kids! dump her if she keeps doin this **** cuz again no kids for u! and ur not even having sexual relations with her! so what is the point of this? making out with a hot chick or again damaging ur balls forver? think about it cuz id dump her if she keeps kneeing u there.

    Good Luck bro

  4. try to make out by standing up or sumthing

    you dont always have to lay down do you ????

    nope :)

  5. try having her staddle you  

  6. many times can a girl kick you in the balls "accidently".

  7. Lol that made me laugh how about this, you climb on top of her!

    Change things a bit then see what happen.

  8. She probably gets some joy over seeing you in pain theirs alot of girls out there who like kicking guys in the nuts. Theres no way this can keep happening on accident she is purposly doing it

  9. Heres a list of solutions i made up for you

    1. Wear a cup

    2. Knee her in the vag

    3. Tell her instead of making out to give oral

    4. Let her keep doing it and lose the point of being a man

    5. Dump her ***

  10. I never thought I would suggest that a guy wear a protective cup when makin out with his gf...but it would solve your problem.  LMAO.

  11. she must have really bad hand i coordination if she keeps doing that

    p.s. shes probly doing it on perpuse, and why dont u stay in one spot while doing it??

  12. wear a cup


  13. Sorry to break this to you, but it is extremely unlikely that she is doing this by accident.  Girls aren't stupid - we know where your balls are.  If she's kneeing you over and over again then she must be doing it on purpose.

    That said, don't worry about all the scare talk about damaging them that you're getting from other commenters.  It is almost impossible to damage a boy's testicles just by hitting them like that.  If you could make a boy sterile just by kneeing him in the balls a few times the human race wouldn't have survived this long.  I say just relax and go with the flow.  Clearly she is enjoying it, why can't you just let her have her fun?

  14. try making out in differnt position standing up, knealing, etc etc

    maybe even ake out with no pants on so she can see wat to look out for next time, dont let her think you r a p**y tho

  15. 1. Get her glasses.

    2. Wear a cup. Or maybe a fencing outfit.

  16. grab her butt pick her up have her rap her legs around you slam her into awall and make otu like that, my girlfriend loves it rof ;)

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