
How can I make school more fun?

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I dread going to my school. I am a godd student and enjoy some elarnign but for a reason i can't totally identify I absolutely hate going tos chool. part of it is because I have to wake up at 5:30 to get on the bus and get there, and I am not a morning person. another part is that the school has a very high level of tension and pressure to take ahrd classes and ace everything. i get tons of homeowrk and little sleep. can anyone help me to enjoy school more?




  1. school is important for social development. the work you do there isnt so much important as being able to go and perform the tasks put before you.

    think of school as bootcamp for real life. Think of it as a challenge. Are you up for it? Sounds like school is winning to me.

    The tasks given to you should be easy to complete. Try getting your work done at a faster pace than everyone else, giving yourself more time to enjoy the things you do in your free time. Being better than everyone else is good for self esteem and attitude.

  2. stop taking such hard classes

    and yes nothign makes school fun =p

  3. My school is the exact same way, and the only way I manage to make it is because of friends.  They really help to allay all of the stress that the days bring.

    Also try to enter classes that you think are interesting.  I'm currently in Spanish and Sociology, and I love both of them! Now the other classes of mine (besides band) are all academic, and pretty tough, so having these classes help a lot.  Basically, get easy/ fun classes for your non-academics.

    Form study groups.  Helps a lot, and they're fun (as long as you have fun people in them :))

    And finish all of your homework the day before it's due.  You never want to enter school without all of your work done, all it will do is add on to your load.

    -Good Luck!

  4. texting!^^

  5. Nothing makes school more fun. =(

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