
How can I make shampoo using guava leaves?

by Guest33303  |  earlier

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hi, i'm Mabelle, im second year highschool,. my question is related for our investigatory project...please help me what materials I will need to make this experiment......answer ASAP.....Thank you....




  1. This is a rather ambitious project for second year highschool. There are many ways to make shampoo using herbs. The most notable is by grinding up the leaves, or making a tincture, and adding it to a soapy mixture.

    Either way you may wish to rethink the project.

    Supposing you go ahead, materials you will need include but are not limited to:

    - Containers for the extract, the soap, the final product, etc...

    - Some form of gentle soapy mixture (I'm not sure if this counts as cheating). DO NOT USE DISH SOAP. Dish soap will dry out your hair and skin - IT SHOULD NOT BE USED.

    - Guava leaves

    - A mortar and pestle (If you plan on grinding)

    - Some form of stirring rod


  2. by crushing

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