
How can I make solar power at home for cheap?

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I want to make solar power at home but dont want to spend a fortune. I just want enough solar power to power a few household items.

I have a patio at the back of my house with a tv, juke box and a few other things. I just want to be able to power this stuff. Can I make a solar power generater at home to power this?




  1. I used a set of instructions I found online @ to get all the parts for as cheap as possible and then compile it. It also came with free instructions on making small scale wind mills for wind power. Together I have a fully sustainable eco-friendly energy solution. I would recommend you look into it, its the best decision I've made in a long while.

  2. The way you will save money with solar power, is to do all the wiring and physical installation yourself.  If you are at least somewhat handy with tools, or like to work on cars, you should be able to handle it.  I like the cheap plans at the best, because this guy has actually made the stuff himself, and tells you the story about his quest for personal energy independence.

  3. Get a solar panel , batteries and assemble a small solar generator.  You can also use it in combination with wind energy.   From

  4. First,  you need to know how much power u need  for the lights and equipment you want to run. You do that by adding up all the wattage  and/or amps. Amps x VOLTS = WATTS. Then select the panels you want. As for the price! 1  160watt panel costs about $400-500 in US. So, think if you want to go ahead with the project before not after you start buying peaces of equipment.

    Remember solar power takes some time to pay for it self. Good luck to you . Going green is good. I wish could do it.

  5. Hi,

    You are going to need to purchase a few things like solar panels, batterys, inverters etc.

    If you want to know how to get these items for super cheap you can look at

    I used this site and michael helped me build my solar power system at home for a couple of hundred dollars.  He will give you the instructions you need too.

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