
How can I make some money to pay for school clothes(i'm 15)?

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I'm 15 , ill be 16 in december, my family is really tight on money at the moment, but in a few months we expecting some big money! BIG(lawsuit)! but for now, I need at least $200 dollars, and i dont want a job at the moment.(dont have the time, taking care of my family) how can i make some money in a month?




  1. There are many choices:

    Garage Sale:

    A chance to rid of old stuff you don't need anymore that others might need.


    Locate a recycling center near you and find what they collect.Collect recyclable items and give them to the center for some money.

    Talk to a trusted adult(neighbor,teacher,School principal,etc.)

    Tell them about your problem,and ask how you can help them for money,such as mowing lawns,etc.

    Here are some things you SHOULDN'T DO:

    ~Beg for money

    ~Borrow money from someone

    ~Rob a bank

    ~Steal someone's money

    ~Threaten someone for their money

    I hope this helps.

  2. I know it's cliche, but ask neighbors if they have any jobs that they need done. You can also go through your closet and find things that you don't want or need anymore and sell them to a thrift store. If you're the artsy type make some crafts or jewelry and give them to a local shop owner to sell for you. Garage sales are nice too but pretty unpredictable in the amount of money that you'll make. There isn't an easy way to make money without a job, but if it's really important to you do what ever you can do. Good Luck!

    P.S when shopping for clothes on a tight budget don't go to places like Hollister unless you only expect to get 3 shirts, but after a while i think that that would get pretty old. Try cheaper places like Nordstrom's Rack where they have designer stuff for LOTS cheaper. I got my homecoming dress for last year there and it was only like 40 bucks and originally it was 300! great deals are easy to find if you look for them.

  3. Babysitting?

  4. Lemonaid stand!

    Or borrow a gun..

  5. baby sit, dog sit, offer to walk dogs, garage sale, mow lawns, sell lemonade, clean houses,clean garages,pull weeds,ebay, a dishwasher at a restaurant(some do hire), paper route,wash inside and clean outside of cars, some fast food places hire, make crafts and sell them house to house.

    There are many opportunities, just find something you like to do and go from there. Im 14 and I started trying to make money a few months ago. I like to excercise, so I decided to mow lawns for neighbors(its not neccessarily something that I liKe to do though) But I do like to sell things, and I often do garage sales. Just find something you like and work hard at it, if you work hard you will do well BTW i just made 220 dollars at a garage sale with my brother, and I now have around 1,500 dollars. Good Luck!

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