
How can I make straight As in high school?

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How can I make straight As in high school?




  1. The most important thing is to want to make straight A's and to be willing to sacrifice your free time to go the extra mile--like if your teacher asks for a 1/2 page answer, give him/her a 3/4 page answer. Pay attention in class and DO ALL THE HOMEWORK. You can make B's and C's on all of your tests and if you still do your homework you can make an A. But do shoot for those A's on your tests.  

  2. Suck up to your teacher. Seriously ... Sucking up will get you FARRRRR in life.

  3. I graduated college with with honors and now have a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.  My Jr-Sr gpa was 3.42.  When I transferred in I had a 3.75.  

    I used a method called "Guaranteed 4.0" and it works.  They dont have just one "silver bullet" but they have a system of practices that, if you use them, it is a guaranteed win.  It worked for me.

    Note: I didn't use their whole system only about 80% of it.  When I did use 100% of it I got only A's, but I could not work, family, church, etc... and so I had to make a balance that I could live with.

    They also have a system for high school.  Its called guaranteed A+.

    Here is the link to their website:

    I would put money that this is one of the best possible resources for getting A's in high school.

  4. High school is not a piece of cake. So to get A's is very hard. Always do your homework on time and regularly revise all the lessons and just run after your teacher if there is any problem. Have a lot of practice for each subject. Best wishes.

  5. Make sure you do all of your homework and make sure you do it well.  Also, go above and beyond when you're doing projects.  Be really nice to your teachers (you don't have to be a teacher's pet, just be respectful).  Make sure you are always prepared for tests but don't go over the top studying because after a certain point, your studying doesn't really have much use.  Most importantly, don't go crazy working you butt off while having no fun, you'll get burned out really quickly.

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