
How can I make sure I don't experience sleep paralysis?

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I've experienced it 3 times in the past. It's not very often but when it does happen it freaks me out. Not being able to move, trying everything to turn my head or move a finger... it scares the h**l out of me. How can I make it so that it never happens again?





  1. There is no guaranteed way to fully stop sleep paralysis. Ive had it about 7 times. The trick to stopping it is not to sleep on your back. Dont go to bed over tired and over stressed. Sleep on your side or on your stomach and just clear your mind before you go to bed.

  2. It can't be stopped, unfortunately. If you experience it chronically, like I used to, eventually you'll get used to the creepy feeling and just learn to wait it out. I'd read the wiki article for more information on it. If you're relatively lucky, you'll start experiencing it less often with time. It might be worth it to try changing your sleeping habits, but if that doesn't work, I'd say just get used to it.  

  3. Are you sure you are not dreaming when this is happening.  Sleep paralysis usually has lasting effects into your waking life

  4. i have it too, and it's worse when i'm very tired or sleep on my back.

  5. BRO I HAD THIS ONCE I JUST CLOSED MY EYES AND WOKE MYSELF UP, i woke up and could move i tried but couldnt move, crazy **** man......  

  6. yep, belive or not i have this like 10 time a week, sometimes and i am really used to them, but then it gets scary because i start to hallucinate and i start seeing strange things in the bedroom and i cant move or talk,so no matter what we are going to expirience this,i am the only one in the family that has had sleep paralysis my parents thing they are nightmares but i told them that they are not and that it's the muscles that shut down so that when you dream you dont wake up and you dont move around or sleep walk.When someone has sleep paralysis they are in the REM state (rapid eye movement) this is the state where dreams occur and if you awake like something scares you then you may have sleep paralysis.It's a natural thing nothing evil i sometimes laugh when i have them because my mind likes to play tricks and they dont work  

  7. I would recommend to look for proffesional help , this means that ypu're having either a neurological problem or a sleep problem.

    Sleep paralysis is a natural phase during sleep but when your body is not able to snap out of it can be due to lack of some chemicals in your neurons.

    The other possibility is that it's simply a sleep problem, but this is not a light problem either. Sleep problems can include apnea which means that you don't breathe right during sleep making you to wake up abruptly thus, not giving time for your brain to realize it has to snap out of sleep paralysis.

    Either case it would be best to ask your physician for it can be caused by many issues.

    Hope it helps you.


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