
How can I make sure I have a proper golf swing?

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How can I make sure I have a proper golf swing?




  1. Ask a tennis pro to see your swing. Offer him $50.

  2. I agree with our friend go see a golf pro and have him monitor your swing. I thought I had a pretty good swing until recently. My golf pro showed me other wise. He used a video camera and dissected my swing. showed me and corrected my flaws. Hope this helps!

  3. Video tape yourself, and look over it when compared to a pro swing and make your own adjustments or take it to a pro and have them help you.

  4. Hello,

                I suggest you visit your local golf course, and take a short lesson from the pro.

                                                        good luck

                                                             j z

  5. i agree with the other comments . go see a golf pro . Keep in mind that most club pros dont really know how to swing the club correctly. good luck!!

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  7. Golf pro is best, but also most expensive.

    Video tape yourself on the driving range and compare that to videos or books from the library - cheapest solution.

    Some books give good ideas.

    eg. your hips are to stay over the same spot, just turn. Many beginners sway right with the backswing and left with the follow through.

    So one idea is to back up against a wall with a beach ball behind your behind. That will give the right feel for not swaying with a half backswing and follow through

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