
How can I make sure each child feels special?

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I am 17 years old and am mother to my 3 triplets, 7 months of age. I also have my 3 year old sister and my 6 year old niece living with me. As I am the primary caregiver for all 5 children, I am finding it difficult to ensure each child gets individual attention. Does anyone have any ideas on how to ensure each child feels special?




  1. Wow you have alot on your plate for a 17 year old .The fact that your concerned about them feeling special tells me your on the right track.For your triplets just love them and kiss them and hold them and always tell them that you love them.for the 3 and 6 year olds maybe put little notes and cards in there lunch boxes.Get some big cookie cutters and use them on there sandwiches like a heart shaped pb&j.Sing songs with them put there art work on the fridge.Read to all of them at bed time.And maybe have a different thing you say to each of them when you tuck them in at night.Like things that they like for example ,say when you close your eyes dream about you and spongebob swimming at the beach,or when you sleep tonight dream about elephants tap dancing. its things like that that make kids feel special and loved.I wish you all the luck in the world i know your young but you seem very mature and you will be a wonderful mother. God Bless :)

  2. Hi to you too,

    The key to making each one feel special is to always give a compliment.  The smallest thing they do you should show them how much you appreciate it.

  3. You will surely find it difficult to give the children equal attention but atleast love them equally. Never show any kid that you love them more than others, it will only make the other kids feel not loved at all.

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