
How can I make sure he stays faithful to me..

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I'm half white/half filipina. I was born and raised in the US and I came to the Philippines last year. How can I make sure my filipino boyfriend stays faithful to me- there are many sl*tty flirty girls in the Philippines and I can't stand them. How can I make sure he will be true to me?




  1. You're done for, girl.

    Better scratch your man off.   These Filipina girls would have him for sure.   If only to spite you for sayin' those bad words.

    Say,  what do you think of little green grouches?  Do you think we make good dates?

  2. Solution: Open your legs everytime you give him a beer!

  3. Have him wear a chastity belt.

  4. you're in-love with him, i can tell. hehe. kidding aside, you can't really make sure, the risk of losing him is part of this love-sick -thing...

  5. Fork him 6 times a day

  6. There is no guarantee a man stays faithful to a woman.  In these days and times, you can count on your fingers honest and reliable men who stay faithful even in your absence.  The advice I can give you is not to be insecure.  Being pretty is not a guarantee the man will remain loyal to you. There are instances when beautiful women had been dumped by fickle-minded men.  You can, however, enhance the quality/qualities that first attracted him to you.  Don't sound bitter or jealous but remain the woman he fell in love with.

  7. Prove to him you're better than those flirty girls.  Though, if your boy can't be trusted with other girls then he's probably not your boy.  Also, a relationship shouldn't be based on looks. :/

  8. there's absolutely no way to guarantee someone will stay faithful to you. that's why it's important to find and date someone you can trust.

  9. by behaving maturely and to stop being so jealous

  10. there is no guarantee, if he is not worth leave him, love yourself

  11. what's your boyfriend's name again? i'm sure he met me already.  i'm very beautiful and the best s**t south of the equator.

  12. i guess you're just plain and ugly and full of insecurities in life... you can't do about your looks but you can change your attitude in life.

    if you can't be beautiful outside, then be the most beautiful person inside. have a good heart, don't be judgmental to others, enjoy life, improve yourself, make friends, and trust your bf.  

  13. The best thing you can do is be more confident in yourself. Also it helps to make sure he understands that if he cheats then its over with you.

  14. Sorry girl but there's always no assurance when it comes to relationships. Boys will always be boys!  Even when you're the prettiest, the richest, or the coolest girl in town!  Don't be insecure, stop worrying and just be yourself.  If he really loves you, he'll stay faithful.    

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