
How can I make sure my cat is taken care of while i'm on vacation?

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I have a kitten and it HATES to be alone. I'm goin' away on vacation for 5 days and I really don't have anyone that i can trust to come in my apartment. So what should i do for him so he wont be lonely and meow a lot {cause he does}... and for him to be fed and such.




  1. I would take it to a pet spa/sitter! Get refriences and call and check up on it! 5 days is a long time to be left alone!

  2. maby put him in a keenel or leave him with a family member

  3. There are many pet sitters and vet clinics that board cats for a fee. If he could stay at someone Else's house that would be better. A friend or relative? At a boarding facility, he wouldnt have as much individual attention, but it's only for 5 days. He will be fine, just give him twice as much love when you return!

  4. If your kitty meows a lot like you say, someone in the apartment complex may call the Humane Society if it gets really loud which could cause you to be cited for animal cruelty.  If you don't have anyone to watch the cat, the best thing to do is board him somewhere.  Isn't there someone who could watch him at their place -- friends, family?

  5. Have a friend, neighbor, or family member care for him while you are away.  You can also hire a professional pet sitter to care for him.  

  6. You could take him to your parents or a trusted friend's house to be taken care of- maybe a boarding facility.

  7. if you have a sister or brother see if they can come over everyday and sit and feed the cat.if not then see about getting a friend to come over and sit and feed the cat.

    hope this helps

  8. Put the TV or a radio on a timer so it goes on for a couple hours then goes off. It also deters burglers. Look in the phonebook for a bonded & insured pet sitter. It is never a good idea to leave a cat or dog totally on it's own to go on vacation. I know of someone who did that, and while they were gone for the week the cat died of a urinary blockage. No one was checking on the cat to know it was sick. It's best to hire someone to check in on the cat daily. Even though it might be expensive, it's better then coming home to find the cat sick or worse.

  9. If you have friends with pets, ask about boarding facilities or petsitters.  Ask your vet if she or he knows anyone who does pet sitting.  I have always had co-workers (I'm a vet assistant) come and stay with my cats when I'm gone, and I know a lot of vet techs/vet assistants do pet sitting as a side job.  The best thing to do is get references from other people who do have someone they trust.

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