
How can I make these manga eyes look downwards, upwards and sideways

by  |  earlier

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If you cant tell me with this eye style, please tell me how to with a very similar one.

Yeah, its a quick drawing. Please give direct advise, not give me a link to a website which *might* help me.




  1. im no artist

  2. Um...Maybe changing the highlight in the eye, that is if your not being really particular with the realism of the light source.

    I guess you could also make the iris and pupil smaller so that you have the;

      outline of the eye

      the white bit

      and the iris and pupil placed accordingly

    Can't get you a picture to represent this and no sites come to mind at the moment. I hope someone else will be able to provide you with these though.

    Good Luck!

    EDIT: Well, i was bored, so here's a link. Take note I did this on MS Paint (which I despise) and v. quickly. Don't judge me xD lol

  3. Sorry you are looking for quick answers.  Your drawing is off to a wrong start, as the angle, shape and slant of the brows are good for one expression/direction. . . . so you would have to change it all.  

    If you were willing to be a little patient and take a little time,  this video would likely show you what you need to know. . . . . but you are in a hurry, so maybe I will watch it and then I will be a step ahead of you!

    I am sorry to be so snotty, but there are no quick answers, easy solutions, or fast fixes when you are learning to draw or paint.  And you are pretty demanding in your request . . . I think you have been lucky to get any responses at all!  You are sitting here with your hands on the internet and yet you are too lazy to take the time to use google or glance over some drawing instruction links or even slow down and learn!  This world will pass you by unless you park your hurry-up, instant-answers-only attitude, my friend, and get used to doing some of the work for yourself.  

  4. left  rite up an down

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