
How can I marry a woman with a lot of money?

by  |  earlier

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Right, so I'm 24 years old and I'm too lazy to get a job or do anything like that. I thought a bit and the only reasonable thing to do is marry a rich woman. I'm sure all the guys out there agree.

How do I find a woman with a lot of money that can take care of me until I am old. Preferably a young woman with a lot of money, like one that had a grandpa for a husband and then pops died and left her the fortune.





  1. Well, for someone that is pretty smart, you sure are pretty shallow. Your best bet is going to be to go and get a JOB!! No woman is going to want to date a lazy bum.

  2. No sane or sensible woman is going to date a man who is to lazy to work.

  3. Rich women are usually smart women - too smart to throw it away on the likes of you (little troll, I suspect, but let's pretend you're for real.) The best you can hope for is some poor soul with fairly low esteem and little education who will allow you to wipe your feet on her, will work two jobs and do all the housework and raise the kids single handed, and then, when you s***w around behind her back, will wonder what she did wrong and post sadly here about how much she loves you. It amazes me, Darwinianly speaking, that a man like you can find a mate, but many do. So don't lose hope.  

  4. this is exactly why i hate men like u. ur such a$$es seriously who the h**l do u think ur kiddin.. wat responsibl rich suffisticated woman wants someone thts broke no job and lazy.. dont think soo.. they want. someone that can proved a family that they dont have to work alone.. like way.. u might as well go rob a rich person because.. u gettin one aint gonna happen .. f****n undispicable cant stan men like u always tryin to get somethin out of someone.. get of ur *** and do somethin for a change..  

  5. You would have better luck robbing a bank.

  6. i doubt there is anyone that would want your lazy @$$! are u even attractive?

  7. Get a loan or take out a credit card and join the country club. She'll pay it off for you anyway.

  8. Sorry to burst your bubble, but most women with money would see right through you.  Get a JOB and make your own money.

  9. realistically get in shape, become a trainer and if l you look good it will happen to you just like for my 30 ish cousin. he drives her gmc pickup all the time...

  10. Don't be lazy, just get a job it!

  11. GET YOUR p***s ENLARGED>

  12. GET IN LINE!!!!!

  13. Your question is very funny! You can't be serious.

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