
How can I marry my muslim boy friend???

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I am a hindu girl in love with a muslim guy...he has broken the ice at his home but his parents are against love marriages...I am ready to convert but still they feel it won't be true conversion. They told him if he marries me they ll cut off all the ties with him.He is the only son thats why he can't walk out. He will never go against his parents and I can't live without him. I am ready to adjust in every possible way.I am too confused to decide anything...Plz help




  1. the only thing i can really say to you is : dont do it for his mom do it for yourself because you're going to have to deal with it and convert to it. if he loves you he'll marry you for who you are and for who he met when you guys started to date. and if his mom is not happy well too bad, you and him need to be happy not them! they already lived their life now is y'll turn to live urs.
    i have a problem that is kind of like tht too, my bf is muslim, and im not ( im Hispanic) im not very religious he isnt either, but his family his i am not willing to convert into nothing and he knows it and he is happy with the fact that i got my own mind and i take my own decisions i think that the muslim religion is very nice ( it seems like it from what i've heard) but i still wouldnt become one even though i love my bf more then myself, we are not married and we had had s*x before. we're getting married soon though.

  2. Hi I have been with my Muslim bf for 4 years he has recently told his family and they are fine if I convert which I'm willing to do my family are not happy with it cause they think he should marry me for who I am, but I no they will stick by me but I want to marry him soon as I just don't no how we can get married and keep everyone happy my bf said we can a nikar but I'm not sure how it all works I really want my family there to but we both feel if are familys are there it will be to uncomfortable having them together as they are such different cultures as my family are christians but not that religious but would still want me to marry in a church just as his would in a mosque how can we do it fairly and right please help

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